ROOF COLLAPES: Multiple FD, PD and EMS units are on scene at the Classy Cleaners for a roof which has collapsed due to the snow (as posted in extended featured story). We are getting reports of one patient at this time. Extent of injuries are not clear at this time. Route 9 is shut from 4th to 6th Street. (TLS-46/TLS-52/TLS-20/TLS-60).
U/D 7:37 p.m. Sources tell TLS that is was the roof of the warehouse in the rear of Classy Cleaners which collapsed. Injuries to the one patient appear to me minor.
Roof Of Classy Cleaners Collapses
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its not the roof of classy cleaners its the empty warehouse in the back of classy cleaners
are my shirts gone?
was is a rentel?
my comments never get approved
they are closed at this hour, so who got injured?
they should hire fischer’s roofing
there were no injuries
classy cleaners was not affected at all
is the car rental affected?
Part of the walls also collapsed
No our office is fine, however they cut the electric so at this time our phones computer etc. are down. We do have an electrician coming in in the morning.
Any pics?
Great job lems, lpd, lfd!!!!!! make sure langert see’s this!!! Lems out there doing it in the blizzard!! Wheres langert???
As the article stated, “Multiple FD, PD and EMS units are on scene”, what it didn’t say was when the incident became stable, the volunteers of the Lakewood First Aid Squad had used their personal vehicles to block off the road, freeing up some LPD officers for the many calls that were mounting. This happened on more than one occasion.
My reason for stating this fact is because, for every action, there is a reaction. Obviously everybody knows by now of the fight to save the EMS department. But people are taking for granted that the Volunteers will not be affected. However, that is a fallacy. If a private entity comes into this, our home, and provides EMS for a fee, not to the township, but to the residents, why in the name of business would they offer to allow the volley’s to do it for free? This entity, which ever it may be, will already be loosing money on the townships’ homeless population, not to mention the undocumented citizens. There are many indigent people who also live among us.
If the new entity has 1 call or 4, they will pull from their fleet of ambulances, with no need or desire of Mutual Aid, i.e., the Lakewood First Aid Squad. How long can an organization exist with no monies being generated. The Lakewood First Aid Squad depends on the monies from fund drives to operate; they do not receive a stipend from the township. If they are not servicing the citizens of the township, what is the purpose of donating to them? That is a sad statement but understood in today’s economy.
If the Lakewood First Aid Squad shuts its doors, so closes the doors on the Extrication Abilities of the township. Just one more service that will be lost because of privatization. Will you stand by and listen, knowing that there is nothing you can do for the accident victims that would have to wait (with victims undoubtedly in excruciating pain) for mutual aid to arrive from a neighboring town in order to be cut out of a vehicle?
There is no doubt that the Lakewood First Aid Squad is a vital part in the Emergency Medical System of this township and without it, more hardships on our citizens and those who travel through this town will arise. I am not running in the street yelling that the sky is falling; I am only stating a fact…
Without the Lakewood Township EMS, there will be no Lakewood First Aid Squad.
The time is now for your voice to be heard. Let not just Mr. Langert know we need to keep the EMS Department, but let all the Township Committee Members know. We elected the committee to do what is right for this, OUR town, OUR home and this is what is right.