Ron Holder Sitting Shivah For His Mother

Ron Holder (Ron ‘Hasandler of the shoe repair) is sitting Shivah for his mother Rochel A’H, who was Nifteres in Eretz Yisroel at the age of 83. The Levaya was held in Eretz Yisroel. Ron will be returning Sunday morning to Lakewood, where he will be sitting the remainder of the Shivah. 

Shivah will be held at 180 Sunset Road. Shachris will be at 8AM and Mincha/Maariv at 4:10 PM. He will get up from Shivah on Wednesday morning.

In Eretz Yisroel, he is sitting Shivah at the Prima hotel in Yerushalayim, 60 King George Street.

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  1. BD’E.
    FYI, it is not grammatically correct to say “nifteres” since that is a present tense and she is not currently being nifteres. It is proper to say ‘nifterah’.

  2. to answer anonymous—he will be getting up wednesday morning–the holder family is a wonderful part of our kehilla–and we should all try to be menachem avel for the few days remaining of shiva in his home.

  3. I know the Holder family from way back in Denver when Ronnie’s mother and father were my teachers. They are wonderful people with a big heart. We will miss your mom Ronnie. Yossi

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