This past Sunday marked the launch of a groundbreaking new Chumash Shiur delivered by R’ Sruly Bornstein, brought to you by Lakewood Daf Yomi. Starting from Parshas Bereishis, the shiur takes a fresh approach to learning Chumash, Rashi, Rishonim, and Reid, using the same engaging and in-depth style that has captivated Daf Yomi learners worldwide.
In his opening remarks, R’ Sruly quoted the Chasam Sofer ZT”L, who, in his tzava’ah (will) to his family, wrote: “Learn Tanach with Rashi, and Torah with Rashi and Ramban, and take this with you. That is the foundation of our emunah. And if you’re going to learn this, you’ll find that you’ll be wiser than three very wise men.” This profound directive set the tone for the series, emphasizing the critical importance of returning to these foundational texts with a fresh perspective.
The first shiur delved into the beginning of Bereishis, covering the first five pesukim. R’ Sruly explained that this is only the start, and while the introduction naturally took longer, the pace will pick up in subsequent shiurim. The goal is to explore each parsha in depth, building a stronger connection to the Torah’s eternal messages.
This initiative has been requested by many for more than a decade, as the Chaburah has been around since 2012. While the series is not currently aligned with Parshas Hashavua, starting from the beginning was prioritized to lay a strong foundation. Eventually, the shiurim will catch up to the weekly parsha.
Delivered in R’ Sruly’s signature style—clear, engaging, and filled with classic Yiddish expressions—the shiur is peppered with a flavor of the yeshiva learning days. It is both accessible and deeply inspiring, offering listeners a renewed connection to Torah.
Announcements of future shiurim will be shared via the regular WhatsApp and email notifications.
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🌐 App & Online: Lakewood Daf Yomi – Chumash Shiur – Bereishis 1
Lakewood Daf Yomi Chaburah | Daf By Sruly
An energy-infused & engaging Chumash shiur by R’ Sruly Bornstein.
Zoom, Web, iOS/Android app, Podcast, WhatsApp, Vimeo, TorahAnytime, Spotify, 107.9 at 6am/Kol Berama Radio, Kol Haloshon, NakiRadio, AllDaf, 24Six & (906) Daf-Yomi.
Was there
Was amazing!
reb gershy ribner
Williams sst shul Wednesday nights 1015pm is great as well