Frustrated Resident Inundated With Calls From Parents Confusing Her Number With School’s Emergency Number

Ms. Wilson, a Lakewood resident, tells TLS a local school’s emergency phone number too similar to her phone number, is causing her to literally lose sleep.

For close to two years now, when there’s a school-related emergency – for example a snow storm prompting the school to close, she receives phone calls at every hour of the night – and day – from parents attempting to reach Bais Faiga’s emergency phone number.

The one digit off has become quite a disturbance, Ms. Wilson says.

Ms. Wilson requests that parents make the necessary changes to reflect the school’s correct phone number, which is 732-806-8141.

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  1. She should tell each caller something else. Yes, regular school. No, we are clised today due to downed electrical wires. Maybe, call back after 10:00.
    Have fun with this. I bet the school number will get changed the following day.

  2. FYI to all you bais shaindel girls, same goes for you. CHECK THE NUMBER BEFORE YOU DIAL, you have been harrassing my family for years sometimes calling as late as 1:00 a.m. and as early as 6:00 a.m.

  3. I was one of the people to mistakenly call her last year and would like to use this forum to apologize. I have since added the correct number to my speed dial so it does not happen again.

  4. “Ms. Wilson requests that parents make the necessary changes to reflect the school’s correct phone number, which is 732-806-8141.”
    The parents and the school know the right number just in a rush they prob dial wrong there is nothing to change.

  5. i know the feeling my phone number was one digit off from a taxi cab company i used to get calls at all hours of the day and night and many times from drunks.

  6. Feel bad for her, but people are human and make mistakes.
    So if Bais faiga changes numbers then there will be a new number that gets dialed
    but I will try to be careful next time.
    Speed dial is really cool though.
    So is turning the ringer off.

  7. Wrong numbers are part and parcel of the benefits of telecommunications. If the snow number is changed, someone else might wind up being called instead. The rule should be that the snow number may not be called before 7:00am and certainly not after 10:00pm in the evening. Schools can also consider text messaging as a more considerate option.

  8. How dumb to suggest that the school change thenumber. Ths school did nothing wrong and they have nothing to apologize for. It is the careless people who are dialing the wrong number nthat should change.

    If the school changed its number to something that was one digit off from YOUR number, guess what would start happenng at YOUR house at 3:00 am.

    The school has over 3600 children, and who knows how many morahs follow their schedule, so they must get thousands and thousands of calls each storm threatening day.

    I feel bad for Ms. Wilson, but if i were in her position I would change my number. It’s not her fault, but that is probbably the best way to handle it.

  9. My # is one off of targets I allway tell the callers were restoking :the store is closed for renovaitions or what ever come to my head just a little advise shut ur ringer when ur sleeping

  10. To: Chaim B
    How selfish you are to blame her for the problem. She should start giving bad information and let the careless parents complain to the school about getting bad information…. you will find out who is bothering this person. The school should take action against these parents for calling the wrong number.

  11. Many years ago my family owned a dry cleaners in town and the phone number was one number off from the Lakewood Public School’s phone number. So when school was closed for snow, the phone would ring off the hook!! Many a times I would tell people there was school, with a foot of snow on the ground!!!!

  12. #3: Shame on you for suggesting something like that and shame on those who “like the idea”.

    While I feel bad for Ms. Wilson, this is obviously unintentional.

    She has attempted to reach as many people as possible by contacting The Lakewood Scoop. For the rest, turning off the ringer on those few mornings, might be a solution.

    Bais Faiga should also send out a note urging parents to be more careful when dialing.

    Good luck.

  13. Some lady answered my call and told me the busses are coming back from the canoeing trip- that is the older division- at midnight. Problem was my call was in mid- January.

  14. Both my son’s school and my daughters’ school sent texts and emails notifying us of the change in schedule. Time for all schools to stop pretending that email and texting dont exist.

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