(VIDEO) As reported here on Monday, the Police Department towed approximately 15 vehicles near BMG, claiming they were extended too far into the roadway-due to the snowbank. The incident sparked outrage-not only from those whose vehicles were towed-but from neighbors and friends of the ‘victims’. At the Township Committee meeting last night, a neighbor, as well as an owner of one of the towed vehicles voiced their disappointment to the Committee. The neighbor explained to the Committee how he had offered to assist with traffic until the students were done learning,
in order to save them the hassle of being towed, but the Officer refused, saying it is illegal. The vehicle owner said, that not only did he receive a Summons for being parked illegally, but he was charged $250 for the impound, which included an additional overnight fee being that it was a Holiday and they were not open to return his vehicle. Deputy Mayor Menashe Miller, visibly upset at that immediatley responded, that anyone whose vehicle was towed should be able to get it back even if it’s a Weekend or Holiday, “I will personally be on top of it with the Chief” he said.
Residents Speak Out After PD Tows Vehicles At BMG
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Was it the short cop ? Bec there’s one cop who always goes around to all the corners to give out parking tickets
This is what happened to the many cars that were towed by the last snow storm in the area of Four Corners. At that time, the people were ticketed for ABANDONED VEHICLE??!! No Shaychus at all! There was a charge for the towing and a ticket for absolutely no reason. And they blamed it on the snow. I think its time that we all stand up and show the cops that they will not get away with ticketing for no reason. Somebody has go to say and do something.
it doesn’t matter what their excuse was they parked their cars unlawfully and without common sense, everybody is in a rush or runs late sometime but thats no excuse to park as they did and i support this town or any town for towing them, i would expect my own vehicle to be towed if i were to be so foolish and inconsiderate to park someplace that was going to impede traffic flow, however this business about not being able to get there car back is nonsense and that is what should be looked into not the blatant disrespect for others that was displayed by bottlenecking 9th street, the town should tow cars more often the a lot of illegal parking by self important people
who cares about their anguish and inconvenience? they were parked illegally, blocking the street. I dont care about their tight schedules!
Ich farshtay nisht.. What’s the have amina bichlal to park on the side of the street with a snowbank extended out so far that anyone parking next to it would have to block the legal flow of traffic on that side of the street???
It seems quite obvious that although the DPW should have had that side of the street cleared in light of the tight parking situation in that area, but two wrongs never made a right..
Also, what’s up with the Impound people??… Where’s the outcry!! Are we going to allow their illegal shenanigans to continue like this!!???
camera, take a picture of your car parked BEFORE you may get a ticket and tell it to the Judge and let him decide if you are not guilty.
The law is not a shtickel R’ Chaim and the cop is not your chavrusah. It’s the Law. Get it!
You break the law or cause harm in any way then you need to be punished! Stop crying and pay the penalty. We speak about how criminals get away with major crimes but stop and look at thow we try to get away with all of the little stuff. Live life and obey the laws set forth in front of you and you wont have anything to worry about.
Lets build some parking lots instead of houses, this will take care of parking problems.
I don’t get it… this is not a Shtetel, and you can’t do what you want. The fact that Yungerlite are late for Seder or need to pick up their kids from the babysitter is no excuse to park illegally! It is dangerous and certainly an inconvenience to the rest of the community. It’s not just around the Yeshiva either. Try driving to any busy Shul in the morning and it looks like the wild, wild west! No concern for one way traffic, people stop to unload passengers in the middle of the street or at the entrance of the parking lot, parking on the grass or blocking other cars. This causes a backup is dangerous and a tremendous Chilul HaShem. Guess what, other people are in a rush too. They need to get to Shul, people need to get to work, and general is inconsiderate to others. In short, the fact that you have a tight schedule or need to get to Yeshiva/Shul/baby sitter on time is no excuse to park/drive illegally. I fail to understand the issue.
some of the cops don’t know what common courtesy is ..it wasn’t one car it was 15 I don’t think 15 ppl got together and parked illegaly ..yes there is snow all over the place and limited parking the cops should understand this …not worry about the next kickback.
Let’s get real! If there were 15 cars owned by day laborers parked illegally around the Yeshiva preventing you from getting to Seder on time, you would be the FIRST to call the cops to get them towed. The fact that these cars were “Unzerah Yidden” should make no difference.
Out of the thousands of students, dont you think its possible for 15 of them to be inconsiderate and park there?
I am lost as to what the cops did wrong……. Park LEGALLY and you wont have any problems!!
#10 I think you have a lot of nerve. Are you implying bribery? You can not go around bullying people, no matter who you are. Set an example for you own people and start obeying the laws instead of manipulating them to suit your personal needs. The laws are in place for a reason and no one is exempt! Be a decent member of the community and PAY YOUR FINE, just like any one else in this community would have to. And hopefully learn from it.
#10 it was a domino effect, everyone followed what the first person did then the second and third and…… They caught oh well, now it’s time for them to pay for their stupidity.
Lets look at it another way if there was a fire down the street do you think the emergency vehicles would be able to get through, NOPE! Then we start yelling, screaming, crying and pointing fingers that they first responders did nothing.
Have the elected officials stop it.. why? Were they parked illegally, YES so they need to be punished. The elected officials did right this time by not getting involved.
You want to fix the problem then maybe you should vallet park for everyone then.
Stop and look around and see what the day to day parking looks like around town and you will see there is a big problem.
Everybody needs to stop rushing enjoy life leave earlier and look around at some of the nice things around town before they disappear even more then they have already.
what does “your own people” mean ?
t,,you start the car, you drive the car,you park the car in a improper parking space,,,,,,,,,You took a shot and lost, YOU PAY
the tow, mimaila. the ticket, efshar yuh. the inaccessibility to the tow yard and subsequent storage charges???? unacceptable!
#16 – Your family and friends.
#18- Then don’t do it.
Am i missing something? Did John Franklin go to Florida? It stopped snowing over a week ago and they still have not plowed my development?
I still have to park a block away!
#20 – redd tzum zach. it is REQUIRED by their own standards that the vehicle yard be accessible so that you can get your car out EVEN on weekends. So the storage charges are bogus, and its gezeila. got it? follow the law but take your head out of the sand.
you park illegally you get towed
you fail to do your job propperly you get fired
I think we can all agree that someone should be held accountable for the horrible snow removal or lack thereof . other municipalties get it right why cant ours . let them be as zealous with snow removal as they are with car removal they are both safety issues
today they were plowing around storm sewers -townsip threatened to tow cars which were parked perfectly legal !!
The tow company does not have to be available on holiday’s…..Weekdays and Weekends yes during certain hours they have to be available, but not on holiday’s…..and second point if the cars in town were not parked all crazy then maybe the plows could do their job. My block didn’t get plowed until the next day at around 4pm and I managed to keep my cars off the street until the plow came through. I hope the PD tows cars on a daily basis not just for snow, everyone needs to learn a lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!
Officer Butterworth is ready for the next snow storm…….
It’s amazing what some people write on this board example # 11 wanted the elected township official to stop it, or #10 blames the cops and # 6 wants you to take a photo of your car to show the judge. What it comes down to is that a bunch of rude people parked their cars blocking the roadway, just so that they could go learn. These people endangered the lives and property of everyone who lives in the area. By parking the way they did they blocked roadway access to fire trucks. If one of those building would have caught on fire and tire trucks could not get to them people could have died and property lost. Then you all would be crying that the fire department didn’t do their job. We all know there is snow so why don’t you CAR POOL. I bet every driver who received a ticket drove without a passenger. People use some common sense. Don’t blame the Police.
The Police have to give tickets because if they didn’t people would park all over the place making it unsafe. If I was the police chief I would order my officers not to write a single ticket or patrol the area. In two months time the people who are complaining would be begging the police to come back and do their jobs.
You know..no matter what happens everyone in this town will not be happy..If you saw in the past there were signs that states during snow removal no parking..If you haven’t noticed there is no place to put the snow. so you lose spots..that doesn’t mean you park against the snow. You will impede the flow of traffic and as we know this town from around 8a to 8p is gridlock worse than NYC somedays. You can not get from clifton ave & main st to 4th st and clifton without a mess inbetween, thus that is why I stay out of town during those hours..its impossible to get anywhere in town from the jackson border to brick and south to toms river w/o being frustrated. How can there be so much traffic all the time.
Please put yourself in the shoes of those police officers..If there is a fire on the block and you need emergency vehicles to respond down the street, do you think with vehicles parked in the lane of traffic is a good idea..when those trucks and personnel come down that street they need the access. Just take some extra time to find a safe place to park and keep the streets clear. Thank YOU
To #12 – you are absolutely right that it makes no difference WHO you are but it does make a difference as to WHAT you did. If someone commits a murder or robs a store, is it the cop’s fault because he wasn’t on the same block at the time? Is it the cop’s fault that someone parked illegally? Is it the cop’s fault that it is his job to enforce the laws? Get with it everyone. If you commit the crime – you do the time. You have no one to blame but yourself. You put the car there, not someone else. WHO you are makes no difference. WHAT you did and WHAT you do does make the difference. Next time be more cautious and pay more attention to parking regulations and stop blaming everyone for your own mistakes or should I say arrogance ?
why didnt the plows clear the street right after they towed the cars??
Rabbi Aryeh remarks were measured and quite on target in describing the events on 9th Street. The cars were parked as best as could be expected, close to the curb as with every other street in Lakewood that day.
And, yes, it IS legal to park there. Georgian Court complaints most likely got this started and they have been asked many times to relocate the main entrance off a residential street (or create many small entrances with much less traffic along their huge perimeter).
Whats astonishing is how many ‘chachomim’ feel they have to comment negatively about a situation involving innocent yungeleit who were dealt with RESHIUS and ACZORIYUS by the PD without having clue about what the actual situation was. Rabbi Aryeh’s reasoned approach to a problem with NO illegality would have allowed the yungeleit to pick up their cars after first seder and the PD could then have put orange cones along the curb and that would have been that. Instead we have a stupid act by the PD followed by a chorus of equally illogical and hurtful deah zogers that really need to get a life [of midos].
do you thnk that carpool is the answer? there are currenty about 5000 students in BMG, do you see 5000 cars? because i dont, people do carpool and it doesnt make a difference if the guys who had their cars towed had passengers, in this specific situation the cops messed up big time they towed the cars, gave them a ticket and above all made the cars stay at the impound overnight at a charge all together adding up to over $250. its inexcusable! if the cops want to raise money, let them make a fundraiser! And as #32 said why didnt the plows clear the steet after they towed the cars, this in itself comes to show you that the cops were just out to get in this case.
People parked most probably without realizing that they were blocking
traffic. The towing was understandable, but charging for cars they won’t let
out was wrong.
And try to moderate your comments as this is a public site.
i drove down that street on my way to gcu and there was room for one way traffic not two way, but there was plenty of room for a fire truck to drive by if needed. How do you think the tow truck got thru?
i think u guys shud all get out the woods and move to some geshmack place.