Republican Party Holds Fundraiser For Langert & Halvorsen

PHOTOS: The Republican Party yesterday evening held a fundraiser for Republican Candidates Committeeman Steven Langert and running mate Hal Halvorsen. The event – which took place at the Reserve – was attended by Senator Singer, Mayor Miller and other Republican officials and businessman.

Langert and Halvorsen are running for the two seats on the Township Committee, and will be facing Committeeman Ray Coles and Moshe Raitzik.

Elections are November 8.

Photo credits: Lakewood Shopper.


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  1. I am only asking this out of curiousity and believe me not looking to get invited to any of these parties/ fundraisers but in all seriousness who decides who is an askan, macher has money or has power etc that they get invited to all these events. How comes they decided that I am none of the above that I am not on their list or any list. More to the point what do some of these askonim do (…more then I) that they get the title askan, and then get the invite. Its a fair question and I would like a fair response and not that I am jealous etc.

  2. No. 9,
    Those folks that get invited to these type of event are usually involved in the political process in some way. They may be members of political organizations or members of a civic group or lobby group. They interact with the office holders and office seekers. Some just happen to be friends or relatives with politicians and can afford to attend these events.

  3. In all seriousness, who are you? What type of volunteer work do you do for the klal? I’m sure that no one decided anything about you. Do you personally know any of the candidates? Did you volunteer time to their election effort? Did you offer to give them financial help (if you can afford it?) Steve Langert is the only committeeman who lists his email address on the township website. I contacted him and he got back to me. I offered to help him in his campaign and guess what, he accepted. I have met him and he invited me to his fundraiser as his guest. Not knowing who you are I would venture to say that neither do they. So how should they know to invite you?

  4. to #13 – I hear what you’re saying. Basically you made yourself a something to the candidates, or at least to Steve Langert. My question was more how does one get the title askan and then get the invite automatically from the candidates without having to take the route you took.

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