Report On Today’s Downtown Merchants Commission Meeting

downtown merchants meetingThis Wednesday morning was  the sixth Lakewood Downtown Commission meeting. We  announced some final proposals for changes to  the downtown for the  township committee to vote on. A new zoning ordinance was submitted to limit the types of businesses that are permitted in the downtown area. Due to the proliferation of certain businesses like beauty salons, and money transferers, we feel it is important that new permitted uses be established in order to allow our city center be the shopping destination it was intended to be. Therefore it is being suggested to the Township Committee  that only durable retail and restaurants be allowed to open in the downtown area from now on. This will therefore exclude markets, dry cleaners,  laundromats, professional offices in storefronts, money transferers, bail bondsmen,  and any other non retail or restaurant establishments. Obviously those already in operation would  remain.

The proposal for bicycle racks in parking lots was submitted. It is suggested that the chaining of bicycles to lampposts and trees along Clifton be forbidden. It has become an eyesore, and a safety issue as well.
We suggested new parking lot ordinances be implemented. All perimeter areas of parking lots should be two hour parking with clear signage posted. Interior areas should be longer term parking. Clear signage to direct drivers to municipal lots should be placed as well.

 The committee is suggesting that the town square be used for weekly events to attract customers to the area.  We will be bringing a farmers market to the downtown every Sunday from 9 am till 12 noon. Local farmers will be able to sell their specialty produce, and organic goods in the town square.

The UEZ has suggested a street fair be considered with the closure of Clifton to cars for one Sunday this spring as well.  We will be getting Lipa and a Mariachi band to play in the town square with Jalapeno Kugle to be enjoyed by all.

The Downtown Committee looks forward to  working closely with the UEZ in the future. We will be suggesting ways to rehabilitate certain parts of the city center that will change the image our town projects.  Although it seems now it will be an even bigger challenge due to the latest developments regarding the possible  loss of UEZ funding.  We will keep everyone posted on all future developments.
Please note that the ordinances  we are suggesting have been in the works now for many months. It has taken this long just to implement a few small beneficial changes to prevent the further deterioration of our downtown district.

We hope that our Township Committee will approve these changes as fast as possible,  and realize the urgency in this matter. We hope that no personal or political agendas will interfere in getting these resolutions passed.  The rehabilitation of our downtown is central to the financial health,  safety,  and well being of this town. The sooner they realize this,  the sooner we can accomplish our goals,  and make our town the  shining example of what a well run,  pleasant,  and  honest,  town should be.

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  1. tyrone i think hershal should be the next mayor and than u can sweep his floors or drive him around

    ps i would rather drive him around

  2. Yossi: let me help you with your parnassa a little. The first rule in business is location location location! Don’t look for a job in a post about the BY school. I will be posting more great ideas bln, with the editors permission of coarse. I think you have potentional!

  3. I hope the music at the street fair will be a refreshing alternative to the electric sounds that have compromised the integrity of what we consider music!!!!

  4. Actually the music will have a three way sound system. So kim tzofligen and yanky can each listen at the same time. Actually yanky should stay out of it. That would be weird.

  5. “Due to the proliferation of certain businesses like beauty salons….”
    Can someone explain to me what is wrong with a Beauty Salon?

  6. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a beauty salon. Unfortunately the three or four legitimate salons have been surrounded by salons operating with unlicensed beauticians, charging minimal fees for services, and putting a strain on the legitimate businesses. While we believe that everyone has a right to open the business of their choice, the proliferation of certain cash based businesses in a core area like the downtown can be detrimental to its attractiveness as a shopping destination. In this case there are now twelve beauty salons in a two square block area. Most of them are empty all day. We have a responsibility to the licensed legitimate salon owners to prevent more of these, so called salons, from opening. There are new ones applying for occupancy permits as we speak.
    We are not trying to control honest businesses. We are simply trying to protect the real ones from being harmed by association with those that have business intentions , other than giving haircuts.

  7. I’m not buying it, Herschel. If the issue re: the salons was the smaller salons utilizing unlicensed cosmetologists, simply enforce the current (state) licesing laws instead of enacting new ones.

  8. Herschell,
    Why do I feel the Township Committee is wasting your time with these meeting. They gave you a mike and you can shout and then they can decide in closed session to not approve. We will be shut up with some bologny excuse and with no power. You need to do more for your mission to succeed. Btw… What happened to going after the stadium contracts further. Maybe pay for a lawyer to investigate and sue those responsible for our getting cheated ra(her than pay for a stress test on these 10 year old poles (maybe sue the builder/union/supplier for these poles. Did they not have a warranty?

  9. The licensing authorities were contacted. That does not relieve the fact that the density of any one specific type of business is detrimental to any attractive shopping district. It would not be tolerated in any simple strip mall, and definitely should not be tolerated in this case. The attitude that our town has had in regards to what types of businesses are allowed in its center is not seen too often in other areas, other than the most depressed, economically devastated districts. Just drive to Freehold which has a larger hispanic population than ours. You will see a pleasant inviting downtown area with shops and restaurants. There are some respectable shops for the hispanic community as well. The area is a beautiful addition to their courthouse which draws in people. Their downtown is considerably smaller than ours. We have the ability to transform our main street into a local destination for all the surrounding areas.

  10. dovdov, since we are spending Hershel’s money, I think we should have him provide new signs for all the Clifton ave stores, and replace the frayed and tattered awnings. Skip the stadium, its a waste of money. spend all your money, Hershel (please?), to beautify the clifton ave and 2nd street shopping areas.

    dont pay for lawyers to sue…who you gonna sue

  11. To Dovdov, The poles are staying. The person that wants to have them changed is another story. They would be very hard pressed to not approve the suggestions made by the committee. They would need to eloquently express their true concerns in regards to the changes being suggested. I don’t think anyone can sanely argue against these suggestions. A simple No vote would not suffice, look like obvious political revenge, and would be publicized on the Scoop.

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