Net migration from Mexico to the United States has come to a statistical standstill, stalling one of the most significant demographic trends of the last four decades. Amid an economic downturn and increased enforcement at the U.S.-Mexico border, the number of Mexicans coming to the United States dropped significantly, while the number of those returning home increased sharply over the last several years, according to a report by the Pew Hispanic Center.
“The largest wave of immigration in history from a single country to the United States has come to a standstill,” the report says.
Between 2005 and 2010, 1.4 million Mexicans immigrated to the United States, less than half the number that migrated between 1995 and 2000. At the same time, the number of Mexicans and their children who moved to Mexico in the same five-year period rose to 1.4 million, about double the number that did so between 1995 and 2000.
The estimates are based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau and on Mexican census data. The most recent data indicate that the historic flow of migrants into the U.S. might even have started to reverse.
“We’re fairly confident that by the end of the period we were seeing more people moving to Mexico than leaving” for the United States, said co-author Jeffrey S. Passel, a senior demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center.
Illegal immigrants from Mexico residing in the U.S. still outnumber their legal counterparts, but the proportion has shifted, the report found. The number of Mexican illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. fell from 7 million in 2007 to about 6.1 million in 2011. In the same period, the number of legal immigrants from Mexico residing here increased from 5.6 million to 5.8 million.
The report attributes the changes to several factors, including the weakened economy, increased border enforcement, a rise in deportations, growing dangers at the border and a long-term decline in Mexican birthrates. Which factor is dominant is still unknown.
“At this point, it’s very hard to say because all of them are kind of working in the same direction,” Passel said. Read more in LA Times.
its amazing they know how many ILLEGAL immigrants are here.. so whose gonna cut the grass & we’re going to have to change all the lables back to just english.!!!!
Why didn’t they get rid of em earlier!
And to #1, they will not be able to get rid of all of them so well probably still have the landscapers! (And our cleaning crews!)
dont belive it
Obama has destroyed this country, there are more job oppotunities in Mexico than in america. When you over regulate and over tax, you take away the incentive for rich people to start businesses in America.
so now all the rich people are going to other countries, where there are less taxes, and starting businesses there, and now everyone is running there for jobs.
When will liberals get it?
But they never will. They are too busy berating the conservatives and creating class warfare.
Start learning Chinese. One day, we will all be sneaking across the Chinese border trying to get a job in China, just as the Mexicans were sneaking across our border trying to get a job here.
Oy vay who’s gonna do homework wit my kids !? I even bought a artschrol Spanish Gemora !!
I wonder if I can return it 2 costco !?
all the latino mexicans around lakewood is just a reminder from Hashem that lakewood is not your/our home it is just temporarily. ERETZ YISROEL IS OUR REAL HOME but we just don’t seem to miss it. Hashem is telling us when you can show me that you miss Eretz Yisroel & go there i will give you Mashiach & the bais hamikdosh but right now your all just not ready.
Blame Both Sides of the Government there the ones to Blame
Immigrants through out History leave there countries for a better life….This country was build by different people. They worked hard and build businesses. Many Immigrants saw the US as a work opportunity, the weak economy proved otherwise. People work in restaurants- what if people cant afford to go out to eat…. It trickles all the way down more workers then jobs… I see alot of Mexican people now in fast food restaurants… Now there paying taxes across the board…welcome to the nightmare Instead of closing the boarders we need a sign that says USA closed went out of business….Bankrupt!!!
There are people who are illegals and there are people doing illegal things! It is a win win situation all around…. no one is better than the other either way…
And to all the Yackov’s all around here ur here to remind us that Mashiach can not come with such small minded people in this town
laughing at all the English comments. Half the words in the comments are spelled wrong.
Quote: “laughing at all the English comments.”
Hey Joe! Are you too busy laughing to remember that the first word in a sentence is supposed to be capitalized? Or that a sentence needs a subject?