Renowned Defense Attorney Benjamin Brafman Donates Sefer Torah In Honor Of Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah

PHOTOS & VIDEO: A joyous celebration was held this afternoon, as the Chesterfield Commons community welcomed a new Sefer Torah, donated by Mr. & Mrs. Ben and Lynda Brafman in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Ezra Lent.

The final Osios of the Sefer Torah were written at the home of R’ Avrom Baruch Brafman, a nephew of Ben Brafman, after which the Torah was lead to the Chesterfield Commons Shul amidst song and dance provided by Moshe Zukerman and Shua Kessin.

This Sefer Torah is the fourth donated by Mr. Brafman.

The first Sefer Torah was donated to his son’s Shul in Ramat Eshkol, Israel.

The second Sefer Torah – rescued during World War 2 by Mr. Brafman’s father – was donated to a Yeshivah in Far Rockaway, under the leadership of his brother Reb Aharon Brafman.

The third Sefer Torah was donated to the Kulanu organization, located in Cedarhurst, New York.

Ben Brafman, a renowned Criminal Defense Attorney of Lawrence, New York, has handled several high profile cases over the years, including clients such as Michael Jackson, Vincent Basciano, Sean Combs, Jay-Z, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and others.

Pictured left to right: Reb Ahron Brafman, Mordechai Lent, Maxwell Lent, Ben Brafman, the Bar Mitzvah boy Ezra Lent and Avrom Baruch Brafman. TLS.

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  1. Wow, I’m impressed. Es a successful attprney & it’s encourahing to see he’s putting his $$ to good use. He also represented Plaxico. D B

  2. It is truly inspiring to see an individual such as Ben Brafman who has such great respect for Torah and all it stands for. I have always been inspired by his steadfast bond to true Yiddishkeit, Torah and Chesed. May he be gebenched and- much nachas from the Bar Mitzvah boy, Ezra!

  3. ‘what is mr. brafmn’s connection to this shul?’

    Read the article!!

    The final Osios of the Sefer Torah were written at the home of R’ Avrom Baruch Brafman, a nephew of Ben Brafman, after which the Torah was lead to the Chesterfield Commons Shul amidst song and dance provided by Moshe Zukerman and Shua Kessin.

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