The 2016 Pesach Chol Hamoed carnival will be for one day only, tomorrow, Tuesday, April 26th from 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM at The Lakewood Cheder. There will not be a rain date.
Parking – The entrance and exit for the Cheder will accommodate two-way traffic with each driveway ending at a parking lot. There will be three parking choices:
A. One Cheder lot from the current Cheder driveway entrance (two way traffic for the carnival).
B. Another Cheder parking lot from the current Cheder driveway exit (two way traffic for the carnival).
C. Orchas Chaim has made their parking lot on Oberlin Avenue available for the carnival.
Rides located outside near the main school building entrance.
Shows inside the school in the lunchroom and gym.
Nosh and gifts distributed in the courtyard playground inside the school.
Lost children in the lobby at the main school building entrance.
Chasanah hall and its entrance will be locked.
Young Children – if your child does not know your cell phone number then please write it on a piece of tape on the back of your child’s clothing. Lost children will be in the lobby at the school entrance.
Why the change?
A. Having an indoor facility enables us to have a wider variety of shows.
B. Having an indoor facility enables the carnival to run regardless of the weather with only the outdoor rides potentially being cancelled.
Attractions – Bubble Wonder show, Muttville Comix Dog Show, The Parrot Rebbe Show, cotton candy (12,000 cones, 600 pounds of sugar), 9000 Elite chocolate bars (milchig), 9000 LED six mode bike light, Mechanical Spinner Ride, Dixie Land Mechanical Swing Ride, Dixie Land Mechanical Spin Out Ride, Circus Train Adventure Obstacle Course, 3 Lane Sports Obstacle Course, Big Top Toddler Bounce House.
Sponsor – This is a Camp B’lev Echad event but it will be paid for by Kollel Ner Avrohom, Inc.
Cost – Everything is free. Nothing will be available to be purchased or paid for.
Objective – To provide a kosher and sweet Chol Hamoed event for children while helping to relieve some of the financial burden on Frum families.
Update and changes – everything is subject to change. Look for the schedule and updates on Do not call the Roberts home.
Safety, Security, and Traffic – We want to thank the Lakewood Police Department (LPD) officers, our devoted LPD Crossing Guards, and Chaverim for facilitating this event.
Final Notes – This is a B’lev Echad event that is organized and operated by B’lev Echad. The cost is being deferred by Kollel Ner Avrohom, Inc. for this religious celebration.
Thank You Doc Roberts for another well planned, exciting Chol HMoed event.
Be g’bentched
Next Year in Jerusalem
is the cotton candy machine koshe r lepesach/
Thank you !! Much better this location !