REMINDER! Get Your Uncle Moishy Plush Doll Signed TODAY only at EVERGREEN! 3:45-5:00 PM

[COMMUNICATED] Guess who’s coming to town? That’s right kinderlach, it’s everyone’s favorite uncle, Uncle Moishy! Uncle Moishy will be exclusively at EverGreen of Lakewood today, Monday from 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM to take pictures and of course sign autographed copies of his amazing new CD and on the all new plush Uncle Moishy doll.

You do not want to miss this amazing deal on the Chanukah gift every boy and girl wants this year. You definitely don’t want to miss this opportunity to get it signed by Uncle Moishy himself.

Wishing you all an and GREEN Freilichen Chanukah!

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