[PDF] [By R’ Yisroel Pinchos Bodner] Chazal noted that powerful storm winds (and hurricanes), earth tremors (and earthquakes) and blazing meteors are natural creations which can be quite fearful and awe inspiring. They therefore mandated that a brocha be recited when one witnesses these phenomena – preferably “oseh maseh b’reishis.” The brocha should be recited during the occurrence, or no more than a second or two after it occurs.
1. Storm Winds The Poskim explained that a brocha (oseh maseh b’reishis ) should be said if the winds are at least powerful enough to cause windows to shatter glass. The mildest class of hurricanes, category one hurricanes,* fits this qualification for reciting a brocha. Category one hurricanes, although not considered dangerous, generates winds capable of breaking glass and causing minor damage. Needless to say, winds of more powerful hurricanes definitely require a brocha.**