Pesach is a wonderful time of year, especially for young families. The first few years after a couple get married, and even with the first few children, Pesach is a time to spend with parents and family, in an inspired Yom Tov atmosphere. Unfortunately, some people cannot. Baalei Teshuva do not have families to return to, where the Yom Tov is celebrated with the proper spirit and level of Kashrus. Indeed, Baalei Teshuva face many difficulties on their journey back to frumkeit, and Yom Tov is one the more trying tests. They lack a family, a support system, to fall back on or lean on.
A number of years ago, Rav Oded Nitzani started Yeshiva Sde Tzofim. Himself a baal teshuva, he envisioned not just a yeshiva where young men would come to re-discover their heritage, but a Kehila, a community built around the school. A place where the students would not just learn how to become G-d-fearing Jews, but where, once married, they could eventually settle and find jobs, raising their families in an environment where they would feel comfortable and accepted. And soon, with the guidance and support of the Amshinover Rebbe, he succeeded in building such a community, self-sufficient and thriving, to the admiration of all who have come in contact with it.
The community is beautiful, with the Yeshiva catering to everyone’s needs. From elementary schools for the children and shiurim for men and women, to job education and placement as the students grow, with evening learning programs for those working during the day. As the community has grown, more and more alumni and students are moving into the area. Baruch Hashem, under the leadership of R’ Nitzani and the Amshinover Rebbe, the Kehila has flourished.
Soon, however, it became clear to R’ Nitzani that his students were facing some unique difficulties. Pesach is a trying time for everyone, with the cleaning and preparations for the Yom Tov. Especially burdensome are the large expenses of the holiday, with matzah, meat, and wine being essentials. In addition, Pesach is a time to buy new clothing, especially for the wives and children. These added expenses are astronomical, even for those with a normal support system. How much more so for the Sde Tzofim Kehila! No parents or relatives to guide and assist them, all they can rely on is each other.
For the past number of years the greater community of Klal Yisroel has stepped in to show its support for this remarkable community. As R’ Yeruchem Olshin, Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, said, “Kehilas Sde Tzofim is unique, because not only do they provide…with spiritual sustenance, but they also provide with physical needs.” Rav Olshin went on to compare the community’s obligation to support Kehilas Sde Tzofim, a group without family support, to be akin to supporting widows and orphans! Rav Olshin accepted upon himself to be the address for all those wanting to help these remarkable people feel their own cheirus this Pesach.
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I saw their sign in shul, they have really warm endorsements..
I’m going to give