Reb Michoel Rottenberg: This Chanukah be a Partner in Marrying off an Orphan – A Lonely Girl Without a Father or Mother

MRReb Michoel Rottenberg: Today we are all celebrating Chanukah. While all of us are festive and are spending time with family, this orphan doesn’t have with whom to celebrate. 

Without parents and siblings, she spends these days of illumination and joy worrying about her future, searching for light at the end of the tunnel.

Esther was a young child as she got first struck by tragedy. Being only 4 years old, her parents got divorced. Being a only child of divorced parents made her taste a bitter experience at a young age. Unfortunately, Esther’s mother didn’t want anything to do with her anymore.

Two years ago, her father suddenly passed away at the young age of 47. Pained by the loss of her beloved father, Esther was at the edge of despair.

Dear Readers, Esther wants to get married. She wants to move on in life. But without basic necessities, and minimal funds for a wedding, Esther cannot move on.

With Chanukah here, and no parents to take care of her, be a partner in sparking her future. Illuminate this lonely candle and help her fulfill her dreams of building a Bayis Ne’eman Beyisroel.

With great appreciation and a Happy Chanukah,

Michoel Rottenberg, Lakewood

Campaign endorsed By Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and Rabbi Ahron Leib Steinman Shlita.

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Keren Esther

1455 Heathwood Ave

Lakewood NJ 08701

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