Readers’ Scoop: Yiddish And Hebrew In Comments

Readers-Scoop-Logo smallDear TLS Editors,
I would like to take time to say I like The Lakewood Scoop and I like how you provide so much information about what is going on in Lakewood.  However it is very troubling how for all topics including non-Jewish
issues Yiddish and Hebrew is being written in the comments. If you are going to print other languages it would be nice for the non-Jewish community that comments be translated. It would also be polite. I am sure you would not want to exclude the people of Lakewood that do not know the language.
Thank you,
TLS fan

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  1. the scoop doesnt write in any other language other than English. in comments people can write what ever they want some comments make totally no sense at all and they are written only in English. The point is the comment section is for people to express themselves its not the scoop talking, so if the scoop changes a comment from yiddish to english its not what the writer had in mind and hence defeating the purpose of letting the writer express himself

  2. i’m maskim to ari. meheicha teisi we have to shtel tzu to someone who doesn’t chap the loshon? It’s not the pshat that we are supplying information in which case it might not be ehrlich to only inform some people, we’re simply handeling the inyonim that the people already know and discussing them.

  3. wow someone else feels the way i do. thank you-

    its very rude- if everyone starts posting comments in there native tongue, what use will the comments be at that point? sometimes the comments are even more interesting to read, and participate in- then the story itself. please people, have some respect for your neighbors that want to here what you have to say- and write in English- THE COMMON LANGUAGE.

  4. Some of these comments are a downright chillul hashem. This letter was clearly from someone in Lakewood who doesn’t understand Yiddish or Hebrew and these comments are belittling their request. Shame

  5. sometimes there’s an inside joke that unless you studied Torah( Jewish Bible) you wouldn’t Chap(understand) don’t woryy u usually aint missin much! Good Shabbos( Merry Sabbath)

  6. Vos vilst du fun mein lieben. Ich farshtei nur Yiddish! (actually, I really don’t, but, I enjoy some comments aid in Mamme Loshon.)

  7. farvus kent mir nisht redden in Yiddish? Dos iz a Heimishe veb site. Ich ken schreiben in Yiddish if I want, even yhough I don’t speak it very well.hasta la vista!

  8. The is not the just for Jewish people, it is for Lakewood people but these comments just show how little you care for and respect the people that live around you. Scoop why don’t you translate?

  9. You people always complain about cops giving you tickets. Oh yea?
    How come only me and my buddies get pulled over for DWI?

  10. I’m a yid and I don’t always understand the Yiddish either, but I don’t care to understand those comments! A lot of the English written comments can’t be understood either-who cares!! This is all in good fun anyways. Believe me, you are not missing anything by not understanding the Yiddish!

  11. Why don’t you add the word heimishe before scoop? Maybe then our fellow residents will then permit us to write in yiddish as well. Please let us– I know it’s not fair to have a site for jews–it’s not polite—please,
    pretty please, we need your approval–please?

  12. Why don’t you ask the Chinese daily out of china town to print in english so you can understand it as well. You want to peek in on some jewish culture but you don’t want it to be jewish? You’re on a jewish web site!! What do you expect?
    And to # 8, alot of the English language that you speak actually comes from other languages. That’s the beauty of this country.

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