(As always in the Readers’ Scoop, the Letter below is an uncut and unedited letter from one of our readers. TLS welcomes your letters at [email protected] . The views are solely those of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of TLS).
Rosh Yeshivos of boys, and Mechanchos of girls, have, always will, and should, preach purity. The world was created for Torah. Our greatest Tafkid is Limud HaTorah, and it is Torah that our entire lives should be devoted to. No one should ever do anything except Limud HaTorah. This is definitely our ideal. And it the job of the teachers of Mesorah to give over “idealism”, in its purest form. Yet not every one of us spends every moment in the Beis Medrash, …a decision that was reached because of any of a variety of reasons. Be they Parnassah demands, family obligations, or limited tolerance for non-stop learning. These reasons are “realism”, and , when they come up against “idealism”, are what brings every individual to find his true and fitting place in Klal Yisroel. Not everyone is cut out for a full life of only learning, for any number of reasons. (Click here for the rest of the article).
in Lakewood, shtika khoida on this topic!!
well written..guess everyone is speechless
Kudos to the letter writer!
The well thought out letter delicately discusses the issues in a sensitive fashion.
Kol Hakovod.
well said. I don’t believe that most parents stop supportinf their kids cold turkey. I’m sure that if a parent sees that the child will cannot manage he would still continue to give something until they can be self supportive