(Below is an unedited letter submitted to us by a reader. TLS welcomes your letters at [email protected] . The views are solely those of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of TLS)
Dear TLS,
Today police stopped me for running a red light. Did I deserve a ticket? Absolutely!! Am I angry with Officer L Nieves Sr,.badge #246 for stopping me? Absolutely not!!!!! In fact, I am writing this letter to publicly thank Officer Nieves Sr. for caring enough about our community and the safety of our residents to pull me over in the first place. I was in a hurry……. I was running late……drivers were going toooooo slow…….my appointment was important. These are all the excuses we use to disobey traffic laws. However we all know that running reds, speeding, etc. only causes accidents. Officer Nieves Sr. in his caring and warm manner reminded me that bad accidents occur because we are careless and thoughtless and risk our lives and the lives of others when we disregard traaffic laws. I am actuallly very grateful to Officer Nieves Sr. for reminding me of this important lesson. He is by far, one of our “finest men in blue”.
Mrs. Miller.
my guess is your menashes wife
b"h at least one person in this town has their head on somewhat straight!
menashe rules
You must not be THE mrs miller
i think she is so happy with the cop becuze he didnt give her a ticket !!
Please note: The woman from this incident is NOT the wife of R' Menashe Miller. Her name 'Miller' is one of the dozens of Millers in Lakewood.
Just got off the phone with menash. He said while he is pleased that the officer was so pleasant; and that the woman recognized the important role police officers play in ensuring our safety; it was not his wife!! I guess there are more than one Miller in Lakewood.
I just met Menash Miller in town hall. This incident did not occur with his wife.
Most officers are very pleasant and proffesional. Many of them take their job of maintaining safety very seriously. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to thank the L.P.D.
Nice letter!! We all could use a little slowing down from time to time.
Better that Mrs. Miller be a little late than to be refered to as the late Mrs. Miller……….
I was going down a side street and had just called someone on my cell phone, but, I was just going to pull over to a parking spot to continue the call, when a police officer passed me and said "I could give you a ticket for what you just did. I told him I am pulling over to park and he did NOT give me a ticket. I think he was being fair and if he had given me a ticket I guess the law being what it is, he would have been justified. I see far too many people holding up traffic or not watching what they are doing because they're busy on the phone.
Good job menashe!! I just met menashe at bagel nosh and he said he doesn't think it was is wife!! Maybe it was related to miller the policeman
I know Lenny for 10+ years. A fine and fair officer and a great friend of the community. Keep fighting the good fight, Lenny.
ok it must be his mother. its her type
wow one nice cop. what about the rest of them?
5:42 PM
Most officers in. Lakewood are nice guys,don't know where you live so I can't talk for you.
To me it sounds like officer L. Nieves Sr.badge #246 Social Security #**********Driver's license #***************(if you need more info on him contact Mrs. Miller she can probably help!) did not give her a ticket. I'd also be in a real good mood if I was pulled and didn't get a ticket. Just stop cutting lights Mrs. Miller. NO EXCUSES..
They all know Menashes wife and would not even pull her over so it WAS NOT HER
It's nice to read a letter from a community member who was stopped for breaking the law and who did not just scream the officer was anti-semitic for stopping her. What a breath of freash air.
i still can't believe you ran a red light – that's not like running out without your license cause it's in your other pocketbook –
was not officer si…. wish i heard a nice story with that officer ..he is the least freindly officer in lakewood and probably in nj
not Menashe's mother either although it is her type
To LNSR @10:44PM
I guarantee you that 99.9% of the people in our community agree with Mrs. Miller.
Please do not consider some peoples trash talk "a negative occurrence." The majority of Lakewood’s population agrees with the letter writer. Do not let some of the bored bloggers to dishearten you.
I say: Good Job officer Lenny Nieves Sr, badge #246
Lakewood appreciates you.
Keep up the good work.