Readers’ Scoop: Shouldn’t We In Lakewood Be Doing The Same?

Readers-Scoop-Logo smallURGENT KINUS TEHILLIM–Hakhel in conjunction with Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin announce a major community-wide Kinus for men and women on behalf of R’ Sholem Mordechai ben Rivka Rubashkin on Tuesday night, April 27th, the evening before his sentencing.  The Program is as follows:  Ma’ariv at 9:30PM, followed by messages from Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Shlita, and Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Shlita.  Tehillim will be lead by Rabbi Shloime Mandel, Shlita.  There will be a second Ma’ariv at the conclusion of the Program at approximately 10:20PM.  Location: 2913 Avenue L (corner of Nostrand).  All are URGED to attend.  An invitation to this event is posted at  If you do not live in Brooklyn, please arrange a Kinus in your community.  For further information, please contact 718-253-5497. Acheinu Kol Bais Yisroel!

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  1. In Lakewood we daven for him everyday and learn every day for his zchus – so we don’t need the kinus. If these are the comments you are looking for here they are.

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