Walking in to last night’s township committee meeting one couldn’t help but feel the pain of the EMS Department workers. After all, their jobs have been hanging in the balance for over three months. After the 11th hour deal was struck the compassion level undoubtedly became greater as these hard working men and women took a 30% cut in their salaries. I, along with many others in the room last night, felt the pain of these 15 full time and 13 part time employees whose lives changed drastically last night. On the other hand I also understood the position of the Township Committee who is faced with a tax paying population who is deeply concerned with their tax bill in these trying economic times. On this front however I was virtually the only one in the room who seemed to care about the Lakewood taxpayer. And because of that my compassion for the EMS workers slowly began to wane. As speaker after speaker got up to the podium to verbally berate the committee members unfortunately my worry for the EMS workers almost completely dissipated.
Starting from the head of the negotiations for the EMS union, continuing with his assistant and ending with Shannon Ortiz it was quite evident none of you actually care about the entire population of Lakewood. By asking if this is the only department the committee looked at to cut shows how out of touch you are with the reality of what is going on in Lakewood. Cuts in state aid and rising costs are crippling the thousands of taxpayers in Lakewood. I wondered how can you be so far removed from our town’s reality. Then it hit me. None of you even live in Lakewood. I don’t know what the reality is in Toms River, Howell, Woodbridge and Jackson but in Lakewood there is a lot at stake. I wondered to myself do you even care about the people of Lakewood.
Then you go ahead and berate out Mayor and committee members walking out before they have a chance to speak and not allowing our Mayor an opportunity to express himself. It seemed to me you only saw one side of the coin and rather than disagreeing with the committee’s position you disrespected it. And that is a disrespect for all Lakewood residents.
Let’s discus your side of the coin for a moment. With the 30% cut your employees are still the highest paid EMS workers in the state. Before the cuts some EMTs in the department, not paramedics but EMTs, were making close to $125,000 a year including benefits. Three of your employees were double dipping when it comes to health insurance as their spouses were already receiving them from their township position. As a Lakewood taxpayer how bad should we actually feel for you?
גם אני מצטרף לכל הנ״ל
Very, very well said. I couldn’t agree with you more. This should take the top spot as it contains the truth and facts.
kudos and bravo!!!!!
We’r waiting for Harolds respons. Nu you can dissagree with this?
if you take a look a the numbers, you might not feel so bad…. about 70% of lakewood is orthodox, how often does lakewood ems respond to a emergency in the orthodox community?? not so often, we have hatzolah… so for about 30% of lakewood is all ems is busy, for 30% of lakewood we can have a private ems, let the former ems members work for the private contractors…
#you might not feel that way when your bussing STOPS look at those numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its obvious you did listen to all the speakers the fact that they are the highest payed EMT’S is a township responsibilty they put them there all they were trying to bring out was that other towsnship employees. Should shoulder the burden and take pay cuts instead of raises they just took.did it ever occur to you that housing is down,construction is down may be the construction officals should take a cut in hours or pay.how about the money wasted on our illegals.Its obvious all you care about is the dollar in your pocket.
you might not feel that way if we registered all our kids in the pyblic school system , wouldn’t that be fun? imagine it , plus the glatt kosher meals the schools would need to supply. so for the 400 a year busing that we get, I would keep my mouth shut if I were you . You never know, we may just decide one day , enough paying tution .
I agree with #7 the bussing in this town is out of control
yes students do need safe transportation to school but it might be time for parents to step in and take responsibility.
Steve Langert did a great job,
He represents the whole town of Lakewood ,and did whats in the best interest of lakewood , and saved us some money .
unfortunatly the EMS workers got bruised , but thats life if they feel they are being under paid they are free to find employment elsewhere,
im sure our mayer recognizes and appreciates the dedication of our EMS , but that doesnt contradict them being paid more competitavely
The private companies #1 will not start them anywhere close to where they are now..how can you live on under $20k a year..I can’t..if that was what I was making in this town I would be on welfare because at that rate I would be homeless. Let’s not forget these people have homes, cars, children, house bills, and other expenses that they must now compensate someplace else for. I understand the issues but its not just LAKEWOOD, it is state wide. You will feel the punch when the BOE has to cut bus routes and other options like Teachers. Then how will you feel?
Those members from Woodbridge, Howell, Jackson, Rahway, Clifton, Toms River, and many other places around the state were there in support of their Union Members here in Lakewood. FMBA 380 is not a local union, it is a Firefighter & EMS Union throughout the state. That is why they were here. Like the local Firefighters, First Aid members, Hatzolah & MONOC we were here to support our brothers and sisters. We are all feeling the brunt of the loss..but it was unfair to ask the members of EMS to take such a large pay cut. That was just wrong. I am sure if you ask for LEMS they will respond, they will not complain, they handle everyone with compassion and care. Everyone gets the same treatment, no matter you are jewish, white, black, homeless, or otherwise. IT is all the same, but as a firefighter I see your point. YOU HAVE TO BLAME SOMEONE!! Maybe if we all paid our taxes this year and worked as a community it will be better.
Private EMS companies will bill you for everything. Try to not to read into that. If you call Medics and they get on scene you will be billed by MEDICS not by LEMS..separate bill..that is a business to make money. Lakewood does what they can to not be so abrasive when it comes to that…they are there for the residents of Lakewood TWP, all of us…
I think its time to get past this..and work on getting the community together for all that are here. It’s important to just thank LEMS, Firefighters, DPW, Police, and all the other members that work here.
Why do we always have to criticize, that is why this town doesn’t mesh..no one cares enough to get it started..everyone wants for themselves.
Thank you.
Oh reference to “double dipping”- there are township committee members that are double dipping as well ..what about that..I guess you only care if its an emergency worker and not your own township committee..why should they be any different..I thought part time employees of the township are not eligible for benefits..then how come the TWP committee gets them?? Part time Job..No Benefits..that is my call
He is pandering to the senior voting block. Every politician does what he got to do
Busing was looked at in the past. to save money on the school budget a couple years ago busing was cut for non-public school students for 4 days in the year.
I am sure it will be continued to be looked at as a possible area to apply cuts.
Just one thought, if all those kids that are bused start being driven around by individual drivers (yeah, those that you hate and don’t show respect), all at the same time, can you imagine what that will do to our roads. It will really cause are quality of life to suffer. It might not bother you because you don’t live in Lakewood.
Excellent article!
These union guys are so out of touch with reality.
If this were a private company, they never would have the nerve or opportunity to talk that way to management.
They would be fired on the spot!
They should be thrilled they were given an opportunity to accept the 30% cut. Not like most people who are told, “sorry we no longer need your services”.
They are spitting in the face of all the taxpayers, who are the ones the commitee members are representing.
First of all I should note that I am not responding to someones anonymous post. If you deel so strongly about what you are saying, write your name. This is not some post about a fellow neighbor or issue regarding religiosity, that you should feel anonymity would be best.
The people I am responding to are those that feel I am simply pandering to the seniors or gentiles in order to get elected.
The EMS issue is something I did not have an opinion about at first. I figured, there must be a legitimate reason for privatizing this service. After doing a little research, speaking with some Monoc employeees, and reading advisory committee notes, I became convinced that there is an injustice being foisted upon our dedicated workers. I also came to realize that you cannot marginalize any one segment of our community, without causing resentment. We are not simply dealing with numbers on a page. There are children being raised, homes that need to be paid for, and citizens that need a little extra care.
If the committeemen would have showed one ounce of compassion, showed any little bit of comiseration on their parts, maybe the people would have understood
In the coming weeks I hope that I will be able to prove to you all that one can be fair and impartial, not make grandiose statements, and unrealistic promises, and learn from mistakes, whether their own or those of others.
Lets tell the Bus companies that starting next year we are paying 30% less or else we will cut the courtesy busing , or perhaps we can find some others willing to bus our kids for a cheaper price
Dont stop here
Steve way to go! And after their altitude last night, we should privatized them.
I think you should go enroll in public school beacuse you don’t even know how to spell.Way to go private school educatoin
hey #9 welcome to the public schools, remember here boys and girls ride the same buses and learn in the same classrooms. also remember you have to leave your torah at the door, public schools are not allowed to teach religion.
Well let’s see toms river ems makes 67,000 and that’s not including benefits and brick ems makes 54,000 without benefits….. Lakewood makes 49,000…..highest paid in the state I think not…..
Langert you should resign
Langert is out in 8 LOOOOOOOONG months, cant wait.. HH for Mayor, he will show this town what is needed. There will be no more attitude sitting up on the desk or in some cases on their pedestal. These committee people are robbing us and we should be thanking them for WHAT? They get a pension which is something they were complaining about they get benefits for their entire family when this is a second job, WHY? talk about making out from a part time job, dont give me this garbage you put in so much time for this town. You wanted the position, so please dont stand up there and look down at us and tell us why you deserve a pension and full health benefits. You all did nothing to help out this town in regards to your salaries or benefits, so until you give something back in this financial crisis you have stolen us into stop making others give back. Cant wait to see when things get covered up, its only a matter of time before someone comes in and finds out what was going on.
I stayed and listened to the entire Committee until the gavel was hit in frustration at the end. As a public servant isn’t it part of ones job to show respect to those who are speaking, not to be looking around constantly, cracking ones fingers, or getting up when someone is speaking and then going to speak to others on the panel. Where is the respect and compassion there? I know it is upsetting to all parties involved and some of the committeeman showed compassion and respect but maybe those that can’t, can learn from those around them. Maybe if you knew all the details and facts of this situation, you may then have an understanding of how the EMS felt. You shouldn’t comment only on one side and should make sure you have your facts correct because your numbers are off in your article.
What happened to MONOC? They probably would have done a zero bid? Why is it that the taxpayers are not heard? Shame on Lakewood Township! LAKEWOOD EMS MUST GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no 20 you made 2 spelling mistakes. can you guess what they are?I cant believe anybody has the nerve to bring up bussing.About 70percent of tax revenue comes from the religous community and 50 percent of taxes go to the boe and when we get about 3 percent of that someone opens his mouth, way to go
Harold, Why the name change?
by the way, in case all the haters out there were wondering, the township is saving an obscene amount of money on bussing these past few years. the competition is so fierce between the bus companies that they are underbidding to the point of barely making a profit on some runs, just to justify the cost of financing the busses. seriously, some people out there make me laugh, spewing their opinions as if they actually know things.
The argument that the religious group gets nothing for their tax dollars except courtesy busing doesn’t hold water. All seniors living in Lakewood pay taxes without using the school system. They do not even get the courtesy busing benefit. There is very little crime in the gated communities. The only service the town does provide that is important to senior is the EMS. Unfortunately, illness comes more often with old age. Having EMS on site and prompt response is crucial to seniors. The EMS budget is small compared to other expenses. The seniors feel that the service is critical to them. In a recent case where LEMS was busy, they came from Red Bank and it took 45 minutes to respond.
To H.H:
What is you idea to save the taxpayers from being taxed to oblivion. Yeah, I know the one that would have us not pay the township committee members, anything else of substance, or do you run out of ideas after that. Show compassion for some of us that NEED to work so that we can feed our families.
Speaking about employment it’s very difficult for kids to get a part time job with all the cheap and illegal labor around. This is unfair!
Well written ! Your still making 100 grand sorry but I don’t feel bad anymore
Glad to see no one has a comment about the facts I submitted of what our surrounding towns make… When you have facts people can’t complain…stay strong ems. Were glad your still here…
If the township is saving an “obscene” amount of money by outsourcing the busses, why did my taxes go up? Did it go in someone else’s pocket. This is a joke. An outside source to audit the township? HMMMMM! Who’s gonna pay for that? Maybe thats not a bad idea with the understanding those caught WILL be prosecuted and not carried off into hiding. I still say code enforcement in this town would clean up more than the physical garbage flying around this town and bring in revenue by giving fines to those who dont clean up. Enforce over occupied residences. No more slum houses. Make these slum lords responsible for the element they bring to this town. And for safteys sake, enforce local traffic laws. If the limits 25, do 25. Since when should your inability to organize your life put others lives in danger by driving too fast, talking on cell phones, and runnign stop signs. And by all means labor laws do not include pensions and benefits. I pay into my pension. I also pay a protion of my health benefits. Its a courtesy for the employer to provide benefits. I cant think of any business that gives part time employees benefits. If there were not so many perks to part time jobs like township committee maybe we would have people in office that really cared about the people they seek to represent. Remember government is Of the people By the people For the people