Today, I did something unthinkable. I did something so outrageous that I wonder if I can consider myself still part of civilization. Today, I canceled my cell-phone plan and will be living indefinitely without a cell-phone. It is amazing how our society has become so dependent on cell-phones and obsessed with the texting phenomenon. I myself was part of this obsessive behavior. I myself used about 100 minutes a week and sent out over 1500 texts a month.
I am proud to say that I was not part of those obsessed with taking pictures with their phone or checking the Internet on the phone.. Nevertheless, I found that my cell-phone became a sickness at worse and a major distraction in my life at best. Therefore, I committed myself to going at least 6 months without a cell-phone.
My question to the city of b’nei Torah is whether they don’t believe they could live without their cell-phone. To be honest, I fear that not having a cell-phone will backfire on me if I end up breaking down on the road or am in some other type of emergency.
The following are things I’ve seen in regards to cell-phones, which I believe to be problematic….
1.) Texting, while davening
2.) Talking and texting, while driving
3.) Talking on the phone while checking out at a grocery, which isn’t polite.
4) Texting, while walking down the street and then accidentally knocking into someone.
I am not condemning the use of cell-phones now that I have been without a phone for three hours. I am merely trying to draw awareness to the problem that comes with owning a cell-phone.
good luck finding a working payphone when you need one.
learn to control yourself, you are an addict, and as soon as it gets back in to your hand you’ll be right back it. is it so hard to think i head before texting, and to control yourself?
I’m jealous…
I’m so proud of you, zeeskeit
It’s important to have a cell phone for emergencies. I got a prepaid (kosher) cell phone from Lakewood Beepers. This might be a good option for you.
so basically you went from d?ropping your cell phone cold turkey to become an addictive blogger. whats worse? a compulsiuve texter or compulsive bloggger
Ashrecha! Ayzehu gibor….
May do the same in Nov when my plan expires to avoid a cancellation fee….have had enough of hidden fees, wacky plans, and people just calling me 10 times a day to talk about drama in there lives… I’m flipping the bill and the Tylenol for my headaches.
Please dont borrow anyones cell phone. I cant stand it when people who Bshita dont have cell phones come top borrow my phone. If you are content with living without one than dont ever use one.
If 3 of your 4 problems are texting, get rid of texting. I have no texting and have incoming blocked. If something is important enough someone will leave a message. Just because it rings or vibrates doesn’t mean I need to jump and answer. 99% of “urgent” phone calls are just not urgent. Remember the old saying: “Your failure to plan, doesn’t constitute an emergency on my behalf.”
B’nei Torah can benefit from cell phones without allowing the cell phone to control the person. If an attorney must turn his phone off to enter the courtroom, how can a Ben Torah not do so for davening?
I do not begin to understand how people can even consider texting while driving! I’d feel safer with someone high on alchohol in the driver’s seat attempting to control the vehicle with his undivided yet influenced attention, than with a texting sober driver with a fully distracted and diverterted attention span.
The best way to go these days in order to avoid these unexpected fees is Prepaid cellular for example Pageplus $45 unlimited.
Although I have no idea how I would conduct business today without a cell phone, I certainly miss the quiet days before they became widespread. I laughed when I read that you use 100 minutes a week. I use a few thousand a month. (Unlimited plan of course). And yes, I feel like a prisoner. A prisoner to calls and texts. One of the problems is that peoples attention span and patience are at zero. If you don’t answer someone instantly, they are upset. I watch someone during a shiur text the entire time. (I was makabel not to bh!). It has also become a terrible vehicle for lashon harah, let’s be honest. I am looking for good reasonable ideas that make sense for life, home and business. It is out of hand.
The phone companies will never end texting the data transfer is like 1/4 of a penny cost…then they zap you big bucks if you go over…BIG PROFIT ….. They know texting is a problem with drivers. I agree with #11 if you don’t get back to people they get hostile… there must a solution…. I may start sending smoke signals… that’s Stone Age
Ashrecha! I have a friend who was thinking of shutting down his land-line also.
Imagine all the lashon hara he can avoid.
With the price of cigarettes goin sky-high, it may be espensive to send smoke signals too.
that’s midas Sdom!!
There are so many things you could have done to improve yourself, getting rid of your cell phone, a potential life saving device, should be at the end of your list.
1. Do you drive as safely as you can and observe all traffic rules? if not, work on that
2. Do you watch your loshon hara as much as you can? if not, work on that
3. Do you eat healthy and promote healthy eating habits to your kids? if not, work on that
4. Do you try to live within your means and not make any purchases that are out of your reach? if so, work on that.
This list goes on and on. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are coming off a little high and might with your declaration of this amazing thing you did. I think there are so many other areas that need improvement in our life.
Pre-paid phone is the answer.
congratulations you inspired me to write this message from my phone while driving the 17.
While not really taking part in this conversation, I personally dislike the term “stone age”.
why dont you just take texting off ur phone plan?
What happens these days with cell phones during Davening? We say to ourselves, Hashem i am not going to talk on the phone i don’t care who it is if its my wife or if it says 911 i promise you i won’t talk during davening I’m just going to look at the caller ID. Now you tell me why is that just as bad as talking on the phone or even worse? When you see this number on your caller ID, your entire Davening just got lost. For the rest of davening you are all worried what could my wife want from me? Is it good or bad? Maybe i just lost a big chance of a business deal. I f you don’t recognize the caller ID your always thinking who could it be? Is it good or bad? & then your hands are shaking for the rest of davening. PROBLEM: we don’t realize who we are standing in front of & that he sees you looking at your cell phone at the EXACT SAME time that you are davening to Hashem. If you keep you cell phone in the car until you come back, Hashem will hear & appreciate your Davening much much more.
I’m not sure dropping the cell phone is the answer to compulsive use. Sure, you’re avoiding it, but learning to manage its use is surely ‘kovesh es yitsro’…
It’s better to cancel your internet connection and just keep your cell phone for emergencies. A cell phone can save a life, if you’re in an accident in “Yehupitz” and you can call for help. The internet wastes far more time and although it’s a useful tool sometimes, you can live your life perfectly well without it.
I have a family plan with 700 minutes [the min on us/can] shared by
three people, no text, and usually we do not use more than 350 !!
People today do not control themselves !
The Tafkid of a Yid is self-control
if you believe internet is a waste of time then why are you ON the internet?