Readers’ Scoop: Please Clean Up Your Mess

campaign signs_wmDear TLS. I took this picture with my phone this morning. I have one question which I think may have been addressed once, but I don’t remember. Why do campaign signs remain littered around town almost a week after elections? It’s not the Public Works job to clean up after you. This isn’t first grade. You make a mess, you clean it up. Are they supposed to remain there until the November elections? That’s my whole question. Thank you for listening.

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  1. If its litter, then it should not be allowed even before the elections. If its not, then I can keep it up as long as I want to show whom I supported.

  2. The same goes for mosdos dinners, Chinese auctions, etc.
    You (volunteers) put em’ up you (volunteers) should take them down.

    A. They are unsightly.
    B. In a storm the can blow around and are dangerous (I’ve seen garbage cans impaled by them, this could be a person too)

    I understand we can’t stop them going up. But be a mencsh and take them down when the event is over.
    Is menshlachkiet to much to ask for these days.

  3. The organization that puts the signs up, is responible for removing them . If they remain after said dates then the township can issue a FINE.

    Will the township do it though,I beleive not!!!!!!

  4. Thank you #6. There are signs around town that go back to LAST YEAR!!! Some peolple think its someone else’s responsibility to clean up their mess!

  5. I am all for the DPW or the township quality of life task force providing enforcement through financial fines to organizations that neglect to remove their unsightly signs long after the event is over.. This is a real nuisance and I never understood the lack of thinking that leads to the leftover ugly garbage all over town.. It should be as simple as telling your children to put the plate in the sink or throw it in the garbage when they’re done eating.. Why should everyone else be stuck with your mess after you’re done with your election/event???

  6. Thank goodness it over – And how sad this election took such a nasty tone – A message posted to the internet should be no different from that one would be told to someone’s face. Unfortunately there’s allot of folks that hide behind the screen.

    Respect different views points

    Lakewood – the lid is off the box and it will never be resealed with that comes both good for many and bad for a few

    To all elected officials- get to work and stop the giveaways. HH proved that NO-ONE is safe or should be comfortable about the past

    now move them signs -PLEASE

  7. The township has NO problem mailing out warnings or violation notices to those who have grass that’s too tall, or excessive misc debris on a yard because its a “quality of life” issue, well so are these signs and the ones who put them up should be held responsible or get fined!

  8. to mr 14 its illiegal and stealing what you did .however it should still be cleaned up afterwards i know someone that tripped over it and broke a bone he could of sued but didnt want to i think the only way is by sueing that mosad or person running and the next day it will be taken care of

  9. its not illegal to place election signs, let’s mot get carried away here. people just take the signs within a normal time frame case closed.

  10. I wanted to post a comment about the signs being a problem all the time, not only elections. But #6 and #10 stated my thoughts better than I could even say them. THose signs are ugly and taking them down should be the responsibility of the one who put it up ASAP after the event is over.

  11. maybe the township should take them down
    the same way they felt it necessary to remove a hatzolah sign
    infront of Four Corners while driveing on the grass

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