Hi TLS, I’m anonymous because I don’t think it makes a difference who writes this, the point is the same. I was at (moderated) grocery this morning and was very annoyed. I parked in a spot and was about to get out of my car when a shopping cart hit my side door. Okay, I don’t drive a Lexus or infinity but my car got slightly dented from the shopping cart. I don’t know if it was the wind which blew it my way or if it’s from someone who just ‘threw it’ back to where they belong and missed…but whatever the case, I just want to remind people for the future that when you take out a shopping cart, please place it back to where it belongs so that other peoples cars don’t get dented and so that people can park normally and not have to get out of the car to move the cart which you left in the parking lot. Thank you.
Anonymous. Lakewood.
Ii agree lets make a township ordinance and charge a quarter like Walmart in Brick does. Makes people more responsible if they have to use a deposit.
There are many, many reasons why people may not return their carts all the time, it’s not necessarily a shita or laziness, as you imply. The fact that you got hit is from H’.
And do you return your cart all the time????
There is no reason not to return your cart. It is laziness!!!
#3. why not? i do.
I cant return my carts all the time because I have a 2 year old and a baby and there’s no way I can carry both of them back to the car. I do make sure to place it so that it doesnt move.
# 6 very sad and are you the one who uses I have a child excuse everywhere you go? Very sad indeed. No excuses, load the car, push cart to return area, remove child, return to car. we all did it and do it. NO EXCUSES
U prob don’t either return your carts just this time u got the “zets” have urself a nice life and stop looking for things to complain about
Please explain how you got to the cart when you started shopping with your two children. Do you only park near carts that other inconsiderable people left in the lot?
It’s the stores job to return the carts! Not the customers. If your car gets banged by a cart complain to the store owner or shop elswere.
This has happened to me on more than one occasion as well. While it may be considerate of the store to have someone return shopping carts that were not returned to their place, it is the responsibility of the shopper to return it and NOT leave it in the parking space next to his/hers (so that no one can park there) or up against another car, or in a position where it can easilty bump into another car. Because let’s face it, if the cart is not back in its place it WILL land in one of those three places. Be courteous, take the time and return your cart. If it never occured to you to do it until now, it’s not too late to be a…mentch.
I am always careful to place my cart where it won’t roll away or block a car from etering or leaving a spot, but, I do not think I have to return the cart to the store or lane where they go. i think women with children definitely do not have to shlep their kids with them to return a cart either. One thing that peeves me though, is the people that take the carts home with them. Even if they return them, it is plain geneiva, and I don’t think everyone returns them. If you don’t have a car use an old fashioned shopping cart like my mother used to have, or a baby stroller even if you don’t have a baby, but, don’t steal the store’s cart and leave them rolling on my block or any where else.
Zahava, I am sorry to hear that your 2-year-old is unable to walk from the cart return to your vehicle. Iy”h he/ she should learn to walk soon. In the meantime, it may be best for you to shop without your children–not because of returning the carts, but because it isn’t safe for you to be out with two children who both need to be carried everywhere, if you are unable to carry them even a short distance.
I’m not farmiliar with this supermarket, but don’t most store parking lots have a cart corral in/ near the parking lot, so that carts can be left without damaging other vehicles?
shoprite has a truck that goes around town picking up all the carts people take home and they let its good for them they get more customers that way also u do not have to return ur carts they have a guy that they pay to do that all day!!!!! so everyone chill!!
hey # 14…don’t you think we pay higher prices at shoprite to cover that guy driving all over town wasting gas, poluting the town? Wise up and chill yourself…get the facts before you react.
facts = react
thanks for your concern but my 2 year does walk- he’s a 2 year old so sometimes he just walks off. I’m not one of those mothers who has 10 kids flying in different directions- I like to have my children nearby ESPECIALLY in a parking lot.
Finding a shopping cart by my car is NEVER a problem where I shop- there are ALWAYS shopping carts all over the parking lot.
I think you’ve gone to the root of the problem Zahava- if there are ALWAYS shopping carts all over the parking lot where you shop then there will only continue to be more dents and scratches because where I shop there are ALWAYS cars all over the parking lot.
I agree with number 1. They should make you put a quarter in. You may not care for it to get it back but I know someone who would. That would help you and him
Zahava, thanks for explaining. When I had an infant plus toddlers/ preschoolers I found an infant carrier very helpful because it allowed me to carry the baby & still have both hands free to carry another child and/ or hold hands. As my children grew a little older they quickly learned to hold hands in parking lots/ crossing streets so I could manage more as my family grew. I also taught them to hold on to the side of the vehicle as we unloaded so that I didn’t have to worry about one wandering off while I unbuckled & helped the others get out. My older children understood that we’d only be able to go out if they cooperated & followed safety rules, so they did, and the younger ones followed their example.
Teaching my children these rules made me feel safer taking them out by myself even when I had k”ah 5 kids under 7.
i shop with a baby, and always make sure to park next to the shopping cart corral so that i can get a cart and put it back without damaging other cars, or shlepping the baby (even if it means parking a bit further)
#20- that would definitely work for me when I shop in a place like Shop Rite however when I do shop at the Coop on Rt 88- there is no such thing except right in front of the store which is prime parking space- I almost never get a spot there.
I can’t believe some of these responses!!!! Do you really think you shouldn’t have to return your carts? Do you really think the store wants to send a truck around your town to pick up carts?!?! Really?!?! I am not sure if anyone who used them on this forum, even really believes their excuses of “I have kids with me” or “they hire people to do it for us”. You are only convincing yourself of this nonsense.
If you can’t handle shopping with kids, stay home. I am a man who did everything with my 3 infants and always returned my carts. Think of others and all of you stop thinking you are so entitled.