Dear TLS, I may come across a bit angry, and that’s because I am. I just read your article about the trash sites and am extremely frustrated. (Thank you for being so very helpful about all the info though. it’s much appreciated by many and a big help). I come from Brooklyn where Erev Pesach, there are dozens and dozens of trucks constantly driving around picking up the trash. I recently moved here to Lakewood and cannot understand why there is no trash pickup at least two days before Pesach. I really don’t enjoy having to shlep smelly garbage bags in my car to drive them to a site. Is it too much to ask for from our Public Works to make another round of pickups? Why shouldn’t we be given a bit of a luxury that one time a year when bins of trash and are filling up quickly? I really think this is something the askonim in the town should work on, at least for next year.
Readers’ Scoop: My Trash Bins Are Overflowing

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we are already viewed by many as a class of citizens by ourselves, we don’t have to shtech ois de oigen fin di goyim more then we do already
I really feel for you! Not because you have to put a bag of trash in your car but because this is what your making an issue of!! There are people with no job, people facing foreclosure, people with no money to pay for food, people with no money for tuition, people with serious health issues, people with children going off……….. And you complain about a simple inconvenience of putting a bag of trash in your car?? NEBUCH!!!
This isn’t Brooklyn… this is Lakewood. If you liked the services so much in Brooklyn, you can always go back there… I for one would rather put a bag of garbage in my car than pay higher taxes. I am appreciative to all the hard work the DPW does for us, going out of their way to enable us to have a Kosher Pesach… Perhaps a little Hakoras Hatov and a little less complaining.
quit the ‘go back to brooklyn’ answers. They’re getting stale. and to # 4, It has nothing to do with taxes. I fully agree with the letter writer. They are working at the sites anyway, what’s the diiference if they drive around or stay stationed at the sites?? they are spending the money anyway, amy as well be of a better service.
Lakewood is not Brooklyn,two different worlds. But I understand the writer’s frustration. We use to have two pick ups a week in Lakewood. Now,they even miss some houses. Maybe we are paying too much taxes. Why cant they use the open lot on Monmouth and 7th ? There are a lot of why not this and why not that regarding services.
When people still keep voting in the same people again and again nothing will change.
It has everything to do with taxes. The more the public servants work the more they get paid. Be thankful you have a place to drop the garbage off. Most other towns do not. If this bothers you so much you can get together with your neighbors and hire a privat collector to pick up your stuff. If that is not good enough you can always go back to Brooklyn. Don’t burden other taxpayers with higher taxes because of your selfish desires
This is a perfect example of the sense of entitlement some people have today.
My dear freinds, remember to appeal your real estate taxes before May 1st. This is a reval year and the only oppurtunity to fiight 100% of the assesment. Don’t be lazy. APPEAL NOW. The tax rate is jumping sky high this year. APPEAL NOW
why do you think they should even have drop off locations. dpw is not a chesed organazation.
#5, stick to the rishonim. taxes and overtime pay you don’t seem to get. and to mr. brooklyn, every green can has a handle. load up and walk 2 blocks to your local drop off point. You’re living in the country now, no need to put smelly garbage in your car. walking has now been made legal throughout the state of NJ
I have been in Lakewood for 17+ years and I’ve always been very grateful for the Trash site community service extended to the thousands of residents of this town. I have zero problem placing garbage bags in my minivan and driving them over to one of the sites. In fact I even make a mini family trip out of it and my children look forward to this as one of the interesting shinuyim in preparation of Pesach.
So either chill out or move back to dirty Brooklyn!!
Us regular Lakewooders are quite happy with the coutesy and understanding that has been shown for several years now..
look chill, lakewood is much smaller than brooklyn , learn to adjust, u can get another can for 50 bucks, u can bring your large garbage to any one of numerous sites set up for dumping . but if u move from BROOKLYN stop kvetching, this is our town and we love it . you can take the money u save on tickets and get the can . if ur really desperate stick the garbage in your trunk and take it to john franklin . we want to keep our taxes lower, and right now this aint a priority, CHILL OUT DUDE
ps the sanitation dept does and excellent job and are over worked and under appreciated THAnk you thank you thank you
Mr Brooklyn:I gave you a ride the other day…would you mind on your way shlepping your garbage to take mine too!!
I agree having ppl shlep garbage across town is unsafe and unsanitary. It causes terible traffic and the poor neighboors suffer. It is very dangerous over there with ppl running all over with stuff. There is no reason why they can’t drive around pick up they are working anyway!!! The whole dept needs a thorough reveiw! And pay cuts!!
I was born (more than 50 years ago) and raised in Lakewood. I left for a number of years but, considering that this is the United States of America, and I have the right to live where I choose, I returned. You, too, have that inalienable right to return — to Brooklyn.
Chicago has pickups as well before Pesach. You had to call the public works to be put on a list and they would pick up your garbage before the zman on Eruv Pesach. As to comment #3, there is no reason for your hostility because someone would like something. Everyone has different wants and needs. Doesn’t mean that they will get them but everyone can wish that certain things can be done in different ways
TAx appeals THIS year are going to be rough. If you can’t prove your assessment is abov market then it is not a case. Profesionals have told me that a majority of peo[p[le in Lakewood are assessed fairly (they are below market) so how can you appeal taxes and say it is above market value? You will be wasting time.
We are doing what your elected officals and VAAD want. As for extra vehicles to do extra curb side pu’s we don’t have enough vehicles or men, plus we are restricted by the Landfill as to when we can get rid of what is picked up. Did u ever take the time to see what people are getting rid of? The large portion has nothing to do w/ PASSOVER. Also how much is brought in from places like Brooklyn to be dumped here? You’d be surprised!
Don’t forget lakewood’ers in brooklyn u get all that with LOWER TAX than lakewood!
Also how should someone place chumets trash in a car already cleaned for peseach?
most of lakewood today is originally from brooklyn we are here so get used to it,and if you dont like it move on and YOU move out! like it or not we contribute a very high proprtion of our taxes to this town without getting much in return ,garbage pickup once a week,etc.
i think the writer has a legit complaint
those of u who are bashing him are used to it but the township took the ezee way out instead of making a special p/u erev yomtov as they should really be doing we pay enough taxes as is that once a year we are intitled to an extra p/u so happens that this year erev yomtov is on monday and many of us have the garbage p/u then in any case
Maybe instead of pick up on mon and tue they can have on sun and mon this year. Is this so hard for dpw???
There IS life outside of Brooklyn, honey. Welcome to America and real life.
it IS difficult. stop giving voice to concepts that will cost us ever more money. Sunday is expensive. very expensive. sing a different song.
I think it would be nice if the horary mayor steven langert would go around with a garbage truck erev yom tov as he did by the snow storm maybe he will set a good example and have others take one to
please remember we celebrate passover not public works this a great service they provide for us its been working for years I’ve been told if its not broken don’t fix it
To R’ Mendel:
It may be true that you bring tax dollars to Lakewood but you also brought with you all the ills we never wanted in Lakewood. Traffic, different values, focus on Gashmius, lack of courtesy, double parking, and many other things that I care not to elaborate on. As almost a 30 year resident of our town I’m not convinced that all the change is for the better despite your tax dollars. The level of complaints and Sinnah that I have observed over the past 10 years is unprecedented. While I welcome all to our town, it would be nice if you try to assimilate to what our town represents and stop trying to turn it into the home you came from… Had I wanted to live in Brooklyn, I would have moved there 30 years ago!
Lets see Tyrone:
“Maybe instead of pick up on mon and tue they can have on sun and mon this year. Is this so hard for dpw???”
What is someone said that before Easter Sunday you should keep your store open on Shabbos… Is that so hard??? Get the point?
I lived here my whole life love it here.I remember when peseach sites were first set up it was meant for house hold garbage today I see water heaters, dressors, beds, kithcen sinks etc. we turned this into a spring cleaning event this was not the intentions for these sites why wait till the last minute we all know peseach is
Twice a week garbage pick up in Jackson cost only $87.42 for 3 months that’s $29.14/month and there’s no limit on how much I put at curb.
bulk picjup twice a year, no passover Pick up, no going back when u forgot to put out your trash or u wait for the next pu when they auto call u that the truck broke down. If we did that it would be cheaper too! Your Taxes are a direct result of the services you request.
hey brooklyn–why dont you take your trash and dump it out in front of the schools at westlake, sunset, drake, james prospect st etc—-take a ride its pathetic
As a 30+ years resident of lakewood, I remember the twice a week trash pickup as well as yes, Erev Pesach they would go around starting early to collect the garbage around , not sure if it was the whole town, or the area where most frum ppl lived, ie. all around yeshiva area, 14th st. etc. It WAS REALLY NICE!!
BUT, keep in mind, Lakewood, especially the frum community is WAY WAY larger than it used to be. I don’t see how they can get all around town as they used to before the zman for everyone. just Logistically speaking…
one time a year???? give me a break,dpw cater for you all year long.You dont like it here go back to NY.