Can TLS bring this issue to the Mayor or Township Committee. It is time that we change how we dispose of the leaves.There should be an end to the current system of leaf pick up. Residents should bag their own leaves in bio degradable bags and place them curbside for pick up.
The current system beside for being a waste of tax payer money with so many crews out just to collect leaves, a truck a tractor , rakers, a sweeper etc.. That could be Eliminated. It is a grave safety hazard as leaves sit uncollected for weeks clogging the roadway and forcing drivers to swerve onto on coming traffic as well as taking up many parking spots.
Other townships have their residents bag the leaves and all it takes is one truck to pick up.
Its not a good idea, it would lead to a loss of township jobs
Great Point!!!
is langert going to ride the snow trucks this year? i think he should ride along with ems this year
You do know that most of those towns require the residents to bag their leaves and then put them on the curb. Then the workers come and dump out, rip open those bags and leave them on the curb and dump the leaves in a is that cost efficient?? It takes 2x’s as long to do the leaf work and then to have to dump the bags in the can anyway is stupid..this way is better..easier and you don’t have to worry about buying a truckload of bags for those people that have a yard the size of a half acre to clean up..That is a stupid suggestion. And you want us to save does that save money??
It is a very good system. The only change they should have is 1 vacuum truck to pick it up
In Monsey, residents can pick up 25 bags at a time from the township. (i suppose the bags are biodegradable). Whenever I put leaves in bags for pick up, the collectors dump out the leaves into their truck and leave the empty bags. If they would provide us with biodegradable ones,we wouldn’t have to waste our money on bags that they’re just going to dump out. The only drawback is having to go and pick up those bags, and they only issue 25 at a time. I find it easier to rake leaves to the curb, but, if cars park there it’s a problem and the way parking is nowadays it’s not such a good system anymore.
It seems that we’re a little delayed in this area. Most places I know have the bagging system.
This individual probably live in a building/development with no trees. If he ever tried getting a massive pile of leaves into 35 thin tall bags he’d understand.
If we use eco friendly bags there is no need to rip open the bags and the township could eliminate all those crews picking up leaves for three months.
Well since they want 2 stop collecting leafs then the bosses 4 LPW should stop taking there trucks home when they live out of town like 45mins away wasting my tax $$$$
the dpw will never change the system they would not be able to justify having so many workers
If you leave the leaves where the leaves fall, the grass wont grow.
The backyards will look like forests —- no grass, just trees.
(That may be the reason Forest Ave is called Forest Ave, because there is no grass in front of Satmar, from all the people walking on the grass.)
What happened to the vacuum truck? That is much easier.
Chusid 69 says:
DECEMBER 17, 2010 AT 3:29 PM
What happened to the vacuum truck? That is much easier.
Its loud and people complain about the noise so they got rid of it
if you do it here you would have to give them the bags and it would never get done , look at the yards
the vaccum trucks cause health problems to the operators – hearing and respirtory issues. The county landfill set’s the dumping rules. They do not permit bagged leaves or bio bags. All bags collect have to be emptied by hand. It is very labor intensive. Other states(New York) may allow bags but the Ocean Cty site does not. All bags bio or regular cost $. The best and cheapest way to do leaves is for the homeowner to mulch their leaves and grass. It fertilizes you lawn natrually. There is no right or wrong way to handle leaves and Lakewood DPW has tried them all over the years.
pile the leaves out to the yellow line, on a curve, on a 40 mph road.
Where I live we have to bag our leaves, all it is, is another strain on the taxpayer because you pay the landscaper much more as it takes more time and the city supplies less service. This is the equivalent to a raise in taxes with no one realizing.
we can save millions in taxes by eliminating all those extra crews.
what the budget is just for leaf ick up?
its about time that lakewood wakes up
The vacuum truck is loud? How about the garbage truck! Loader, sweeper and blower that is not loud? You say it causes health problems to the operators? How do may other towns use them if this is the case? Maybe we shouldn’t plow or slat the roads and do it by hand as the plow trucks are loud and create potholes, cause injuries to drivers and damage the vehicles? You have to weigh the good and the bad and I think vacuum trucks or trailers would save the town lots of $ every year.
How about we use the Yellow recycle bins for leaves.
Just another point. My friend was about to drive in to a pile of leaves for the fun of it. An last second decided not to. As he past a child jumped out if the pile. Scared?? Maybe keep ur kids in bags instead !
TO 22 -Apparently all u want is vaccum trucks, we tried them and they don’t work was well as the current system, if they did we would be using them. The cost to purchase and maintain is much higher. We would need at least 4 @ approximately $250,000 each to do the town at a minimum. Everytime you add a new house, street and development the cost increase.
I really don’t mind raking leaves to the curb. I am fortunate to live on a block that still has little traffic and people generally don’t park at the curb. However I don’t know what people do in areas where there is bumper to bumper parking.
I live in an area where they did this and its now a pain. It was so much easier to put the leaves in the street for the city to get them. Now we have to buy the bags etc and if you have lawn service they raised the rate quite nicely for the extra work. you pay taxes?!?! GET SOMETHING FOR IT!