Letter to the editor. Much glee was expressed by many when a certain bus company was banished by our BOE. What wasn’t realized is that all the same routes and drivers are doing the same irresponsible job working for another company label. My first grader hasn’t yet been home this school year so far within an hour of dismissal. Today, an hour after school, her bus hasn’t even showed up at the school!
It is high time that all bus drivers be rated individually and be fired for a lack of performance. I don’t care wich company they work for.
This is the emes.
This has nothing to do with bus drivers, it has to do with the companies
valid point. looking forward as a technology geek EVERYTHING & EVERY PERSON & EVERY COMPANY will be ranked.
whats reputation of the plumber?
whats the reputation of this clothing manufacturer?
whats the reputation of this builder?
I agree with what you say however let’s be relalistic.The same rules does not apply to everybody when it comes to lakewood otherwise the bad irresponsible drivers would have been fired long ago.
Yes this is why these bad drivers are working for another company.They are allowed to continue with thier bad habits and irresponsibilities
what is the solution here??????
For the safety of our children we need to be unbiased in out pursuit and elimination of the so call incompetent drivers.
Doesn’t matter who they are or what religion ,color or gender
lets get the bad drivers off the road.
enuff said
I think it has more to do with disorganization of the company than irresponsible drivers.
Hmmm…please explain then….the concept of a CEO???
In response to “readers scoop” Before casting judgement make sure we have all the fatcs and information. The bus driver skills play a part but there are other factors too. Many drivers have more than one school route so they speed through the neighborhood to make up lost time. Alot has to do with their scheduling. Many drivers DO NOT pick what schools the drive to and from.. Usually it comes in as a pckage deal. When the driver looks at the hours it take to complete a run, When a overlap of time or the driver is at school “A” and has to start picking up students for school “B” in 5-10 minutes but that starting point is 20 minutes away from school “A” . Then it will affect his/her 3rd run. LATE also. Their supervisors usually will say “Do the best you can” The driver didn’t put together the route package, management did. The bad bus driver sometimes will cut out the lost time by not showing up and go right to the pick up point based on the time on his/her watch and sceduke. Others simply will not do anything Then when the school hours are changed creating more havoc. Also keep in mind, TRAFFIC in Lakewood is terrible. Traffic patterns on Central Ave, Rt 88/ Ocean Ave are a disgrace adding more delay time. Does the BOE transportation dept. computerized route sheets take this into consideration? I don’t think so. So again the bad bus driver runs amuck. speeding stopping short all because of “do the best you can” The list can go on and on and on.
i drive in lkw all day long. i have seen some of the worst driving from bus drivers. failure to stop at r/r crossings, not turning on red lights when picking up and discharging kids, speeding, etc. the drivers and the companies are lucky my kids arent on those busses!
you happen to have no clue what your talking abt