Dear Lakewood Scoop. I, as a Mechanuch-turned businessman, would like to express a personal opinion which I feel should be addressed. It’s a question I’m pretty sure many parents like myself have. Why don’t boys schools, not necessarily Lakewood, have a break with a ‘short vacation time’? The break isn’t just for the children to rejuvenate, but for the Rebbeim as well. I can tell you from experience, teaching young boys day after day after day, can really take a toll on you. Unlike girls schools, there is no Sunday off, which gives teachers and students time to relax. (why they have off each Sunday is another question, but let’s stay focused).
Now for the boys point of view. They learn each day, after day after day, with homework and what not, don’t they deserve a break too? (Please don’t show this to your children, we don’t need them storming the principals office demanding off days!)
No, it’s not easy to be home with 6 kids at a shot, but I was, and still am, a big believer of giving children a little ‘breathing room’, even if it means a little sacrifice on my part by helping out. That does not mean boys should not have to be learning should they have off, but the same way we give them homework over Yom Tov, I believe children would be more than happy to do some learning during their few days off.
I found in my classroom days, and a general approach to chinuch, that when children had small breaks, even between subjects and classes, it gave them a fresh start to continue on. I believe the same is with a short vacation.
WHAT! TAKE A BREAK FROM LEARNING! With so many not having an understanding of grammer (not to mention other basic elementary education skills) now, what’s going to happen to Lakewood should this occur? The illegal immigrants will overtake the town? Where’s the commons sense in this (OOPS! That’s another basic need in life that’s overlooked too.
I guess it depends which Yesheva your kids go to BH my boy is off for a few days and he needs it he is in yeshva all day Sunday. I whish there would be a group of people who would organize a trip or some thing for them to let off some steam.
Always complaining and making excuses!
Any parent should know their kid and compensate accordingly, according to that child’s need.
No need to make changes across the board for everyone.
It’s enough Pesach,Succos, and the summer break. Even that is to much in my opinion. Do we want to produce Gedolim or not.
I even tell my kids to go learn the whole day bein hazmanim. Isn’t that’s what we send them to Yeshiva, to learn, DAY and NIGHT as the posuk says.
amen . as a local teacher I agree, but I feel comfortable that if I truly had a legitamite gripe our principals would listen and I don’t feel a need to kvetch here .
What in Lakewood ir hakodesh??!! More vacation?! No way! We want our children to work much harder than the kids in Brooklyn, Monsey, 5 towns, etc. This way they will all grow up to be so much frummer and better in learning. And this way we won’t have any kids at risk.
What? What’s that your yelling? That we have more kids at risk here in Lakewood than in other places (if you take into account averages, i.e., there are more kids overall in brooklyn). That when the kids here go off they go off much worse??
Nah, that’s only because of all the young people that have recently moved here from brooklyn!
But how does that explain all the kids from the old time Lakewood families that went off 10 years ago And also how does that explain the kids who go off from the elite yeshivas who don’t let in the “shvacher” not yeshivasher families
Mmmm, I have to think about this but no way! No vacations! Learn Learn Learn….
Even for Binyan Beis Hamikdash “EIN MEVATLIM TINOKOS SHEL BEIS RABAN”!
Daas Balei batin neged daas torah.
Maybe we should have off from davening for a few days, from making brochos, doing mitzvos, etc. since we need a break to relax……….
C. L. get a life that is not our purpose on this world, the kids have more that enough vacation over yomim tovim & shabbos.
Not every student/bachur can learn 24/7. Everyone needs a break from sitting in a chair from 8AM-6 PM. A person’s guf(body) needs adequate exercise, food and sleep to nourish their soul, that will help them learn.
#8 Everyone can still daven and say brachos, it doesn’t take that much time to daven with a minyan and say a bracha before you eat.
Did you have vacation or was your school close minded too?
If you know your child well enough – you can see when he needs a day off – give it to him/her. Some kids need more then others. But of course we have to blame the Yeshivos for everything –
Once we are on the topic – why do girls have off on Sunday. Let them have off on Friday. ( I know busing is an issue, but does that control everything??)
Please! my sons were home thurs afternoon, friday and sunday. That is quite enough. they have TOO much time off!
Half days on sunday and friday!
Half days on fast days(what for? they dont fast!)
three days before a yom tov, and isru chag as well!
Genug SHoin!!
What they REALLY need is yes, a little change of pace to refresh them. Let them have special activity days in school where they dont follow the regular schedule. ex: bring in guest speakers, have a small educational trip, spelling/brachos/gemara bees.some extracurricular enrichment stuff, etc. a little play or production would be nice too.
Just DONT send them home!
MOst parents work and it is a Tircha Yeseira to send kids home and make parents juggle more than they already are. Especially if every school is going to have a different vacation schedule. (I have kids in FIVE different schools)
#1: I guess you had a bit too much vacation. It’s spelled GRAMMAR!
#13 Certainly you could find in the kindness in your heart to forgive a typo?
to #12
did u forget that the teachers and faculty are fasting, and it would be unfair to them if they had to deal with 28 children per class a whole day long
I think even the Mesivtas and bai Medrash boys should get a break trip to ski for a few days, look whats going on in Lkwd with boys falling out everyday they can’t sit from 8 – 10 every day they need a program to air out a trip some kind of sports or any game, the whole picture will change.
The GR’A writes that the reason Chazel say Torah will come from the children of poor people is because they have no money to spend on stuffing them with extra ‘Melamdim’ (and such activities).Here is an experiment.Go take a Darkeinu (Pirchei) magazine from twenty years and see where the winners of the Hasmadah contests are today. Note:The TOP winners did in fact ‘Shteig ois’ but check the tier below that(.Of course there many other reasons why the second tire didn’t all second tier for life so the point is admittedly a weak one)
It’s heresy (kefira) to think student/rebbe needs a break. It’s Americana influence. Do Eretz Yisrael schools need a break? Awww, pooor yingele’s going to be traumatized and overburdened with too much torah. Oh that’s right, Dr. Psychologist/Socialworker will respond with “kids today…….” Blah blah.
The truth is the winter z’man is very long and the non-masmid kids suffer. As a prev poster said, if ur kids need a day off, give them off. I already took my boys skiing twice this winter. Ideally, tho, the summer break should be a week less & they should give 3 days off twice over the winter.
I think its a mistake that boys in town yeshiv’s don’t get Sunday afternoon off as that is the day alot of working fathers are home and are somewhat rested up. That was when my father and I used to connect the most by doing non learning activities and when I had a chance to unwind.
The masmidim always have the option of staying in the bais medrish.