Readers’ Scoop: DPW, It’s Not The Snow, It’s The ‘Garbage’

Readers-Scoop-Logo small(U/D) Dear Readers;
I just want to share my frustration with you. I’m a Lakewood resident residing near the Brookhill area. Last week we called the Dept. of Public Works to request bulk pickup which was scheduled for this past Wednesday. My address was taken and was told that they will be there on Wednesday. Wednesday passed, and no pickup. I called Thursday morning, and got a nasty receptionist telling me “we’re running behind schedule, and we’ll try to get to it”. When I asked when I can expect them because all the children on the block are pulling the garbage all over, I was told nastily “you have to learn to watch the children”. Thursday, nothing. Friday morning I call and when I give my address I’m told “you’re not on schedule at all”. When I tried to explain that I can’t bring this garbage back into the house until next month, she said “then you’ll get a fine” and she simply put the phone down on me. Besides the garbage issue, which is very frustrating, why do we get such an attitude from the people our taxes are paying their salary?

U/D 1:12 p.m. TLS called the Department of Public Works Head John Franklin regarding this specific issue at approximately 12:00 p.m. this afternoon. The letter writer contacted TLS a short time ago saying that the DPW was at his home and collecting the bulk trash. We then called back John Franklin to thank him for his quick response. He also mentioned that he will be looking into the issue which some may have with the customer service.

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  1. Not did I go through the same I actually got a warning which annoyed me.
    What recourse do we have to prove we called, & the people are liars I repeat liars & rude.
    I begin to feel the office is a friont to make money on citations they know where the garbage is because you called. Then they go & give a warning, & then..
    This is the only thing I get for my taxes & this is what I get.

  2. Maybe she’s upset we all now know how much they got for raises. Remember this is the untouchable dept. within lakewood twp., she didn’t do know wrong you were at fault for calling so much.

  3. Typical of our fine DPW. Cry they are underpaid and yet nobody wants to do anything for us. Lets hear how they make themselves look good with this one, But lets give this fine dept a raise, way to go DPW. more satisfied customers. If i could i would request we have Waste mangement pick up our garbage. Dont worry im sure they will hire all of the staff we have here and a fair market price, even find franklin a job… Just another suggestion to save money..

  4. I had a very similair experience, and am wondering if TLS can help ..with bringing some awareness of this issue out.
    Tthis receptionist is extremly rude and unpleasant, and it’s really unfair that there is no one else to talk to. As it is, once a month bulk is seldom, and if it comes out on a holiday, you need to wait another month or 2. I also got a warning, and had to shlep everything back and forth…

  5. Since it is not a private company there is no accountability zero customer service a nasty person answering the phone ect. If this would be a private company..,. The same goes for the EMS!

  6. We normally have bulk pickup the third Wed. This year due to “Holidays” we didn’t have pickup the last 2 month. the last pickup was December! This is completely unacceptable!!! 2 out of 12 pickups is allot. my taxes are still the same.

  7. Seems like the only solution to handle rude and unprofessional employees and at times the general public is to record their conversations just like everyone else is doing. This simple solution to the problem will train, correct and eliminate rude employees and of course even prove that the general public was rude and obnoxious.
    Hey maybe the receptionist should also take a course on proper phone etiquette.

  8. I can see it now another video from Mr. Franklin on phones and bulk garbage pickup. I gotta go get more popcorn for this…

  9. Call me crazy but most of he newer neighboroods in Lakewoodhave garbage all over the streets. There are also ndreds of childrens toys, bikes, etc???? Though it was just a way of life. Why don’t you start by picking up your things that re not garba.


  11. Personally i think the dpw does a wonderful job in this town especially with what they have to deal with. No one should ever be talked down to like these people are talked to. i have in the 35 yrs im living in this town had a problem. While albeit I may not have always like the answer I got I have never felt any one of them was in an way rude. Maybe when calling dpw for you issues you might want to talk kindly and remember these are real people that work hard and are there every day. We are all deserving of respect, and it goes both ways. Learn to speak to people the way you want to be spoken to.

  12. In the time it took to write this article complaining about your services you probably could of loaded the garbage in you vehicle and brought it to the township and dumped it yourself. Oh but wait that would probably take some effort on your part or you might get your hands dirty. God for bid!!!! Just leave it on you lawn maybe the wind and the rain will carry it away. Or pray to god and ask him for help in your hour of need maybe he will help. I am sick and tired of people thinking cause they pay taxes they have no responsibility the government will just take care of it. You know what I pay taxes to send your kids to school and I myself don’t have any kids. I Really shouldn’t have to pay taxes to send you kids to a school were religion is taught. Last time I checked there was supposed to be seperation between church and state. Some how Lakewood seem to get around that one. There are allot of horrible things that happen in this world that could be stopped if people stopped thinking about themselves all the time. You garbage is not one of them. Nor will it ever be.

  13. What a joke! there is no such thing as “Kim” its just a way to represent accountability in government and in the community. I wonder what part of Kim bothers you today? Is there something wrong with the DPW doing their jobs?

  14. You go right ahead and contact waste managment Garbage pick up will cost you a pocketfull. Some here would cut their noses off to spite their own faces

  15. I also had the same experience with this rude lady on the phone at the DPW.
    Not specifically about bulk garbage pick-up. She has no problem constantly hanging up in your face when she is done saying her piece.
    What recourse do we have the taxpayer/customer have to deal with her. These municipal employees seem to think that we are all lower than dirt and can be mistreated.
    I don’t think it is legal to tape a telephone call in NJ without the consent of the one being taped. Once you tell her she is being taped (for quality assurance) she will surely hang up.

  16. #19. I for one am always personable and polite on the phone beit leisure or business that’s common courtesy. I too live in this town since the70’s and I can attest to the authors complaint. Just last Friday I called to have stuff picked up She answered as usual “DPW”how can I direct your call? I started to explain what I needed to be picked up before I even finished my sentence she rudely interrupted me midway said my area is scheduled for two weeks and hung up on me. Rude is an understatement. MR. FRANKLIN this DPW is your baby As along time tax payer I demand alittle respect from your establishment when I’m addressing business at DPW. Your garbage police could take a lesson in public relations as well. I witnessed your officer was abusing his authority with my neighbor by ridiculing them for not understanding the differences of trash marterials that needed to be separated. A simple and polite explanation would have done the trick. This reseptionist definitley needs to find a new job. Because she sounds miserable. So #19 its not always the callers fault. This woman is the make or break of how ppl percieve a business. As you can see by everyones comments she’s not doing to well in making new friends for DPW

  17. Mr editor how could you? you deleted a wonderful piece of advise. all vote to ban KIM who claims to be an accountability machine. vote kim banned today and always! Thanks Mr. editor.

  18. how about this one– we actually got a warning in the mail (costs $$), that a dept of pw guy took pictures of (also $$), that our garbage cans were still out the next morning after garbage pickup. That’s what we pay for????? So that someone could go around town making sure everyone puts their cans away when they are supposed to. Maybe I was away all night!

  19. why dont you keep your mouth shut about brookhill–and maybe your garbage will get picked up-the more you complain the longer you will wait-give the dpw a break.. number 19 you will have to wait another two weeks for your sly remarks–the weather is getting warmer enjoy the flys

  20. I dont work for DPW but i used to work for Waste Management so let me give you some advice:dont privatized cuz you are going to regret it.Im going to give you a few examples then its your decision if you still want to privatized.If you put your garbage out late,you need to wait until your next garbage pick up cuz WM wont send the driver back.Its your fault not the driver plus he has a route to finish.WM dont supply garbage cans or recycling cans so you have to get your owns.Wm dont supply metal containers or garbage pick up to the so called non for profit schools,public schools,synagogues or churchs for free like DPW does for the town.And thats not counting the few private houses that i seen with containers from DPW in their driveways.WM wont pay drivers and laborers to work 24 hrs straight for a few days on certain hollidays like DPW does.Every quarter you have to pay WM if you want your garbage pick up and that dont included bulk pick up every week.Its a few towns around Lakewood that charge $1.00 for every item of bulk that you put out.Thats a good way to make some money with all the bulk items that is put out every week in Lakewood.Maybe with that money we can save the EMS also.WM will give you a sweet deal the first few yrs after that you will regret getting rid of DPW.By the way i still work for a private garbage company(marpal) and believe me its the same thing.Im a Lakewood taxpayer and the way to go is keep DPW.It will save you money and headaches.Why do you think Keansburg is thinking about going back to DPW?$$$$$.If you get rid of DPW,you think WM is going to plow the snow,mantain the roads or cut the grass around town?I dont think so,so at the end its going to be more money hiring private contractors.I have call a few times to get my house number on the list for bulk pick up and every time i was treat it like an human thing.Maybe if you learn how to talk to people you will be treat it like people.

  21. #21 is right we could save a lot of money if lakewood taxpayers would cease supporting religious schools if its true of course. If the tax payers are supporting private religious schools , is Holly Family school too supported by them?


  23. To #21

    You have it all mixed up. You find me ONE religious school getting A DIME from your taxes!! On the contrary WE have to pay on average $7000+ property taxes and over 60% of that goes for the public schools. Public schools that have a TREMENDOUS student body of illegal immigrants. Schools that we don’t get a thing from! Not a single benefit do we have from the school system. True;it is our choice to send our children to religious schools bt WE PAY GOOD MONEY for that. WE don’t receive a dime from youur taxes,I hope you’ll sleep better now.

    As for the DPW,I don’t know if it’s just one receptionist but whoever it is definitely is not nice,I cannot however recall an incident where she was downright nasty. Others obviously did and have every right to complain.

  24. all schools get picked up in lakewood both public and private that includes holy family and georgian court university, the bulk list for last wednesday was approx. 387 documented stops not including the 100 or more that swear up and down that they called dpw to get on the list.

  25. Good afternoon. Please know we take our jobs seriously and do try to help all people that call us. Do not try and intimidate the person into additional services that are not given to everyone because you “know” the mayor, or pay too much in taxes to be told “no”. We are here to help but not to be your servant. A servant is someone you hire personally to take care of your needs not a Municipal Employee.
    We enjoy helping people..but we will not be abused. Call us, ask for assistance, say Hello, there are good people working at the Municipal Level of government. And if we are abusive to you please ask to speak with the department head and it will be handled. Take care!

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