I’m a parent of 5 ke’h, and I’m doing what everyone else is-shopping, cleaning shopping more and cleaning more. I prefer the cleaning for the one reason that it’s a lot easier on the pocketbook! I shop around, buying only reasonably priced clothing and I buy only what’s necessary. And then comes the day camp letters. They so kindly offer an early bird reduced price if the deposit is in no later than 1 week before Pesach! How kind and thoughtful! Not only do they offer me the rates at the most inconvenient time of year, but they tell me I’m not guaranteed slots without a deposit!
I know the directors and staff are glad to have this source of income before Pesach, but not at the expense of all your campers! There is no reason I should lose out on a better price simply because I don’t have an extra dime to spare at our most economically difficult time of year! We should all demand a laterdeadline for day camp decisions and deposits- when hopefully our accounts are somewhat replenished and we can spare the money.
A mother.
I hate to disagree with you, but this is a business, and like all business you do not like, then go somewhere else. You maybe right , but it’s their choice to do what they want.
a discount is a bonus not a requirement the reason they are giving the discount is to get people to apply earlier then normal otherwise they can just wait for after pesach and charge reg. price
One person’s revenues are another person’s expenses. That is the way things are and there is nothing “unjust” about it.
ok your right! next year i’ll ask for the money earlier
It so happens to be ribbis to offer a discount like this. Of course, you can find wiggle room when your money is on the line.
Life’s tough huh! I bet you they didn’t tell you that in sem.
what ever happened to taking care of your children in the summer.why must you send them to camp? do you pay full tuition, is your tuition paid on time. let the kids enjoy themselves at home and help them do it.
who can think of camp? My girls are still hoping a school will open its doors for them before the summer. SAD!!!
You are 1000% right! There is no reason this cannot wait until April, especially this year when yom tov is so early. It is not about “keeping the kids home”, or “being a business”. This is about basic courtesy and sensitivity in dealing with anothers at the most expensive time of year.
if you need to pay the money in advance, this can be a big shaila of ribbis. ask your local orthodox rabbi. not so poshet.
i am just asking, i dont know but isnt the reason for discoumt so they can have a full group and not to hold on to a couple hudred dollars, why is it ribbis?
the day camp i want to send my daughter to very nicely accomodated me. i sent a deposit check postdated for june. that way the daycamp has the security that i will go but i’m not overwhelmed financially. i requested that they please wait to deposit the check and they were very nice about it.
i think people want deposits as security since so many times people back out of day camps last minute and then the day camp will fall apart. i actually saw this happen to someone who did not request any deposit.
to #7 lakewood taxpayer
ummmm, there are people out there who’s jobs don’t begin and end with the school year and need to work all summer…maybe their kids really need day camp?
Furthermore, kids need structure, 2 months vacation is too long. boredom is not a good thing.
If they dont need the money as a halvoah and are willing to hold the check till later but just want to give yu a discount for an early sign up to be sure that you are coming ,then what is the shailo of ribis ?
re: nisht kein poisek
The definition of ribbis is not defined by weather they need the money early or not. you are basically being payed money (or getting some other benefit) for giving them money ( or something else), or a promise of it, at a different time than someone else. I am not giving a psak, I am just saying ask a poisek. you are moide that you are nisht kein poisek, and you probably never even entertained such a tzad that this is a shaila. go look in the numerous tshuvos about this inyan.