TLS, Why is it that wherever you go to people are always complaining about everything out there? Yes I’m complaining about the complaining part. You see, TLS or YW or APP have letters to the editor and I have yet to find one in the last few years that have actually had something positive to say about something. It’s always this organization or that school or that store or this politician or…you get my idea. Why can’t people focus on some of the good for a change? We for example, have a town with the most amazing organizations around. Jewish and Non-Jewish. Let me try to list some: Police, Fire, EMS, Hatzolah, Chaveirim, Bikur Cholim, Tomchei Shabbos, Gemachs, Hachnosas Orchim, Hachnosas Kallah and caring for the homeless and less fortunate etc..There are probably dozens upon dozens of amazing organizations out there, just in our town alone, which I will forget to list.
Yes, there are plenty people with flaws and issues and plenty organizations which may have not treated you with the utmost respect you may have wanted, or an organization which may have not wanted you to join etc, but why the hatred?
How many times will you find a post with an organizations name, and 95% of the comments are not positive, to say the least. I mean, do you think an organization like Bikur Cholim or EMT’s or whoever else, have nothing better to do than head out on a freezing winter night to help you? (and nobody will see their flashing lights or watch them extricate a patient at 3 a.m.) Or a school principal spending sleepless nights trying to better his or her school? Or a Chaverim volunteer who will change your tire at 3 a.m.? The list goes on. They could be spending quality time with their family, yet they volunteer, yes VOLUNTEER and work to make sure YOU have a better life, town and education. And what do they get for that? You know the answer. Nothing.
The town is growing and in a few years from now there will be plenty more to complain about. The point I’m trying to bring out is, maybe if we focused on the positive for a change, and more understanding, we would have less hatred. And that, would bring us together as human beings, the way they were meant to be, and ultimately bring us to our true purpose in life.
May we all be blessed,
Joseph N.
thank you ! well said.
Now people are even complaining about the complaining! Oi Vai!
In general most blogs in lakewood are addressed towards corupt politics or so called elected officals that are doing it for personal gain and not taking in consideration the citiZens in lakewood it seems if you can’t play cards you can’t be in the game
if somebody complains on a blog,and there is nobody there to read it, will it still get someone upset?
the best way to deal with complaints, especially written ones, is to not read them. but you are human and human nature says that when a person says ” ewwwww it stinks!” the guy next to him takes a big whiff and says” ewwwwwwwwwww it really stinks”
because we are curious, we want to know if our experience is the same as the next person.
so really what needs to stop is the humans need to see what his friend is thinking.
if you do not look at the comments, they will not exist.
would you rather force everyone to think like you?
oh and by the way in your list of amazing organizations , you left out our local government, and tax assessors office. or was that just your way of complaining?
have a good shabbos, tzaddik, your heart is in the right place i am sure.
Many Blessings to the writer.
#2, It’s amazing how you find the negative in the positive.
#3, Unfortunately it has become the way of life here, now ask yourself, are you going to accept that or are you going to make a positive step forward to help make what’s wrong right? Think about it, do you what in that game?
We all share this world. We should all help each other, not be in separate groups fighting each other. Where does hatred get us? It only makes the problems bigger. You think people have a lot to complain about now, keep going down this path.
Are we going to be a community that pulls together so that everyone will have a better quality of life? Or do stay a community very much torn apart, fighting for greed and power and everyone is miserable?
Officer Butterworth is available for group hugs people.
now im complaining about this ridiculous article
i just like it
complaining for mayer