Readers’ Scoop: Boys Hitchhiking On Rt. 9

boys hitchiking rt 9To TLS. I snapped this photo with my cell phone while sitting at the red light at the intersection of Route 9 and Kennedy Blvd. this afternoon. The boys in the photo were standing on Route 9 North attempting to hitch a ride. However, what I found extremely dangerous about this was, that in addition to the overall fact that hitching a ride is not safe, it was raining too. Stopping to pick up these boys would not only back up traffic but it can likely cause an accident. I understand that it was probably not comfortable to stand in the rain, but I just felt it is an issue sometimes taken too lightly and should be addressed. Thank you TLS for giving me this forum to express myself and for assisting the community.

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  1. If people started sending in pics of kids hitching rides in the town of Lakewood, there would be room for nothing else on TLC. Kids hitch hiking in the rain, on Rt. 9 in the road, on the side of the road, in your face. Hey, it’s like they were trained to hitch hike, like they’re trained to walk in the road and not on the sidewalk. And when one gets hurt the public outcry and blaming the police would be deafing.

  2. hitchhiking is against the law in New Jersey end of story, they should get the state police in here to ticket people, all the money the state would make off of the tickets would cover the states financial problems

  3. If you want to pick on hitchhiking pick on a dangerous location. this location happens to be very safe there is a huge shoulder and a gas station to pull into i used to always hike from there in my younger years, pick a better one next time

  4. Every morning, while on my way to work at the Lakewood Police Dept. I observe several youngsters walking down Clifton Ave. between 4th and 1st, in the roadway, hitchhiking. This has been brought to the attention of high officials in the PD along with high officials in the community. The response from the PD is ________ (nothing). Response from community leaders, “In Isreal, the cops pick up hitchhikers in Police Cars and the cops themselves hitch rides to work”. Amazing. Thanks scoop for bringing this to light. Can I send in pics? Where do I sedn them?

  5. TLS You are deleting posts which are not offensive to anyone, they are truthful. Hitchhiking has been brought to the attention of Police Administration and the Community Leaders and nothing is being done. Is that offensive? No, it is the truth. Maybe you will post this.

  6. listen just cause you have a car some dont, you should not be bothering other people with their means of getting around. if you are driving and using your phone to take a picture of boys hiching, that is also dangerous. the poor kid wants to get a ride home just mind your own business.

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