I have plenty of friends who walk around with their so-dearly-held PBA cards. The problem? They are not a guaranteed pass out of a ticket. With all the talk recently about being pulled over by Police and the recent Ticket Blitz, I figured this may enlighten some. For those who don’t know what a PBA card is, it’s one of those plastic type of courtesy cards which are given to friends and family of Police Officers. Myself and my wife are close friends of a Police Officer, so we are each given one each year. What some, especially young, drivers don’t understand is, is that these are courtesy cards and not ‘automatic ticket dismissal cards’. I have spoken to many cops who have come across arrogant drivers who thought they can give the cop attitude, and still get out of the ticket being that they are the proud holders of a PBA card.
Wrong. It’s all about respect. You can have a PBA card and still get a ticket, and yes, not have a PBA card and get out of a ticket.
When you’re pulled over for whatever reason, don’t start arguing with the Officer. They are not interested in your attitude. Chances are, arguing with an Officer will almost always get you the ticket. Instead, respectfully acknowledge his or her issue and respond accordingly, in a calm and patient tone. Many times, a little respect, will go a long way.
Saying things like “I’m in a huge rush, I gotta get to work”, will not help you. This will have a negative effect and will sometimes promt the Officer to prove he has authority. But thing like, “Officer, I understand I made a mistake, and I apologize”, may work.
I had an officer tell me, he stopped a woman speeding, about 20 miles over the legal speed limit. When he asked her why she was speeding, she gave a truthful and honest answer. “Officer, I was really excited about getting home from work early, and I must not have been concentrating on the speed limit”. The Officer let her off with a warning. Had she responded “I promise you I wasn’t speeding” etc, chances are she would have been slapped with a fine and points.
Many Officers have told me, It’s not hard getting yourself out of a ticket, no matter if the driver displays a card or not.
So, just a message to all the drivers out there, a little respect will get you a far way.
Most Lakewood police do a great job. And they all risk their lives for us. They deserve our RESPECT!
Thank you LPD for all that you do
its all about EGO!!!!!
So all cops want is respect?
The PBA raises funds for wives and children of officers killed in duty. They also champion for the rights of police officers.(union). Most officers will respect the card. Unfortunately there are some that have no respect or fraternity to others (eg LPD270) yet the PBA still helps the family.
#5 I feel ur pain. That was cold what went down.
the best way to get out ! is not get in.
How do I get a PBA card?
@ #8 – put a tooth under your pillow.