The American Affordable care act is truly unaffordable I just got off the phone with my insurance broker and I’m extremely upset. My wife and I work hard running a small businesses and we are looking to expand and hire people – it’s our dream.
But now the OBAMACARE is causing my health insurance premiums to soar and for even less coverage..How is this legislation helping me? We are not talking about a few more cents a gallon for gas or a bump in sales tax. This law affects something which is central to my well being. This new law has basically added hundreds of dollars to the cost of coverage (in my case the premium for the coverage I have currently is going up fro$ 850 to $1600).
Spreading the wealth? How is making me subsidize a government program at a rate of $600 a month fair? I can barely make ends meet (I recently had a budget meeting with my wife and we realized we can’t even afford some basics ) and invest in my business.
I begging you to stop this madness. I understand some people are not insured and thats terrible but why should I lose my coverage (or settle for severely limited coverage ). Is this what America is all about, punishing people who work hard to get ahead?
I’m no millionaire and its really very frustrating that even though I pay taxes and am not on WIC, JERSEY CARE, FOOD STAMPS etc, I’m the one that gets the raw end of the deal.
Sincerely , Joseph S.
The bottom line is, according to all the people in the industry, Insurance will only get more and more expensive and the care provided will get progressively worse. Just take a look at the public school system and Canada. Specifically for our community which R”L has issues like cancer and autism and other machos lo alenu. We know the value of a specialist. Those high end doctors are not going to take obama care and we will have to pay out of pocket. Please contact your government and beg them to try to defund this immense, wasteful and stupid program.
(TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected])
The Dems and liberals couldn’t care less about your plight, by liberals it’s all about FEEELINGS, and this FEEELS good. As for the Repubs, they’re trying to get rid of it, if you hadn’t noticed.
To Joseph S.: Unfortunately, your story is far too common thanks to this terrible plan which has been implemented. My husband just received a renewal notice from our insurance co. He nearly fell out of his chair ! It has actually doubled & will take half of my husband’s pay toward it. Like so many others we are worried as to how we are going to make it. There must be another alternative, otherwise people’s lives will be compromised.
i wish you Hatzlacha if theres any hope.
This country is just going to collapse-step by step-just like greece & other countries, and i’m watching it happen as things go from worse to horrific R”L. ITS JUST A MATTER OF TIME before all our rights & freedoms will be taken away from us (rather religious laws or freedom etc…) soon the USA will be a communist country just like China. soon the USA will be shut for good as they go more into dept & it keeps growing.
On the other hand it is partially our fault also, as we go day by day, we are constantly getting reminder wake-up calls from Hashem to start doing teshuva & return to Hashem with achdus. The only problem is that we have a major problem facing the world today-yidden or not-called FACING REALITY, i.e. whenever tragedy strikes we let it pass us & think we could fool Hashem that we don’t get his wake-up call for teshuva. Thus we leave Hashem no choice but to keep striking us with tzaros R”L. Do you know any parent that likes to hit their child? but sometimes they really have no choice, its a potch of love to help the child improve… & thats the bottom line.
i.e. if we all make a promise to do teshuva ASAP together as a nation this crazy thing obamacare can be removed instantly by Hashem.
You can also save yourself from this by making aliya to Eretz Yisroel
This wednesday we can send a loud and clear message to washington, enough is enough! By voting in steve Lonegan we will show that we dont like the direction this country is going in and we want a genuine change. Im telling you guys this is a big opportunity. The eyes of the country is on us.
The hamon am doesnt understand this they think government is the answer to everything because the hamon am doesnt share the goals that we have in our community, so as long as the check keeps coming and they can keep playing on their computer they are peachy keen. However those who are goal oriented and want to better their lives inherently understand how obama and his pupeeters are ruining this country.
Rabbosai use your G-d given seichel and do the right thibg and vote steve lonegan
“I understand some people are not insured and thats terrible but why should I lose my coverage “ “I’m the one that gets the raw end of the deal.”
…….and that’s the crux of the problem with everything in the world. ME! ME! ME!. People need to get up in the morning and think how he can help the others first and not what’s in it for ME.
you may just want to join the thousands of others that feel its better worth it without healthcare
All good liberals will answer you with one of the following answers:
A. You’re just a racist who hates Obama becaus he’s black.
B. You’re just an extremist Tea Party member.
C. You’re just a rich greedy business owner who doesn’t care about me.
D. You’re lying.
E. So you care more about yourself than sick people?
F. You hate Hispanics
G. You’re just parroting what you heard from Rush Limbaugh
H. Don’t like it here? Move out.
I. I don’t care if its hurting your family. Too bad on you.
J. Stop complaining or you will get audited by the IRS.
K. You obviously don’t know how to run a business. We know better.
L. It’s all Bush’s fault.
M. You don’t care about the children. We do.
N. Don’t blame us, we meant well.
O. You lost the election. Get over it.
And of course, if you still complain about ObamaCare after all these brilliant answers from liberals, you are most obviously……….. a RACIST!!
We are screwed.
I thought that it would be interesting to check if anyone made a petition on to repeal obamacare, or at least allow the citizens of the US to vote on it. Turns out when I went to the site I got this message:
“Due to Congress’s failure to pass legislation to fund the government, We the People has been temporarily disabled”
Congress is Exempt from ObamaCare, they can’t afford it on their salaries?
“Is this what America is all about, punishing people who work hard to get ahead?”
The answer to this question is yes. There is something known as the working poor, you work hard, start having some success and then you pay a progressive share. You work hard, stay within budget, make responsible decisions and then have to clean up for those who bought 12 houses and went on 35 vacations during the housing boom with a $12,000 per year salary. The houses are so encumbered with debt that they are unsellable. Your neighbor wanted the new lexus and acura so he took 17 equity lines against his house to pay for it and for the brand new kitchen. Now the house is underwater, is in foreclosure and creates blight in your neighborhood.
All these caused Americans to migrate towards increased government this and increased government that. This lead to Obamacare, which will hurt you. So you were responsible and this is what you get. This is what America is all about: the fools set the trends, the mindless follow, and the responsible pick up the pieces.
WE WERE WARNED!!!!!! Yet everyone ignored the facts!
The MONEY HAS RUN OUT ,who pays for this when everyone who works for a living no longer can????
guys keep complaining however you can also do something about it. And tomorrow is the time to start.
Vote lonegan and it will be the shot that was heard around the world.
be naïve and vote booker because he “said a dvar torah”
I thought frum jews were smarter, more sophisticated and more broadminded then to be pulled in by some cheap fancy talk?!
send this letter to every news outlet. let the world understand what its all about!
@#5 YOU are the crux of the problem
If you think a fiscal conservative can win over a liberal whose only qualifications are that he is photogenic and black than I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’m taking offers on.
I never voted for Obama and I’d rather not have insurance if it only covers mainstream medicine. It doesn’t cover holistic healthcare which is all I go for.
I like Cory Booker. I want him to stay right here in NJ, where he can continue doing what he does best. He should not go to the US Senate in Washington where he will just be a lacky for Obama and mess up the country.
Now get back to work!
Something seems to be missing…
Does the author mean to say that one day his insurance provider sent him a letter declaring a 600$/monthly increase and a decrease in his coverage?
Would they not at least charge him more but keep the same level of coverage? Something’s missing…
Have you considered shopping around and seeing if someone can offer you a better rate?
Yid @ 10:34 am u were dead ON !! Great job. Sadly, the unintelligent poor outnumber the intelligent middle & upper class & so they’ll win every time. So sad. I may “takeh” have to make aliyah.
I have also sent a letter ot Senator Menedez’s office about the Affordable Care Act, and got a form letter in response. The bottom line is he doesn’t care. He is a peon of the Democratic Party and votes whatever the Democratic leadership tells him to.
If you vote for Corey Booker, you will be getting more of the same.
Number 19 Obamacare forces insurers to accept people with pre-existing conditions, as wel as cover older single children in the family plan amongst other requirements.
This is a very expensive proposition, which is why insurance companies haven’t covered it in the past. That is why the increase in rates is so drastic.
I am the author of the above letter. Its nice to see that I have spurred conversation on this topic and I hope many more of you will reach out and complain to your government officials and perhaps end this madnes. To sum up the Obamacare problem in one paragraph.
They want to give millions of more people quite an expensive product (monthly healthcare) yet they did not raise taxes and they though this would work? money doesnt grow on trees and by making insurance companies cover preexisting conditions they bumped up all costs so now the product they want to give away is even more expensive. this makes no finnacial sense no matter whcih way you spin it. Obamacare will either bankrupt its citizens or its government. more likely it will bankrupt both and in that order.
To #18 I went back to work notice how much time between comments
To #5
Whats wrong with you?! you think I’m selfish for not wanting to give what I can’t afford I already pay thousands in STATE, LOCAL, and Federal taxes. I already support government programs such as Jersey Care, Medicaid, etc. I strive to give %10 of my GROSS income to charity. but forcing me to give what i cant afford is unfair any way you slice it. just curious next time you see a panhandler and your heart goes out forget the nickel and drop your car keys in his hat.
To #19 first of all I lvoe your username but instead of sounding smart your actually sound geshmakward. Nothing is missing TLS is not the forum for the nitty gritty of insurance details if you feel im misrepresenting the facts call up any insurance broker and ask them if Obamcare is good or bad for people who are currently covered now by personal or business plans. You’ll find all the “missing pieces there” .
Josephus Rex: very clever user name indeed.
However, stating that this is not a forum for “nitty gritty” insurance details runs contrary to the crux of your letter since it is based on insurance details.
Telling me to lay off the details only makes it seem to more likely that those details are critical to the story. The full story.
@Geshmakalypse – Everyone I know who doesn’t have gov’t insurance has seen its cost go up and coverage gone done. My company insurance has gone up $300 per month (and I know they are paying a larger portion now as well). My co-payments for doctors and medicine has gown way up. My sister-in-law just had her insurance go up $500/month and its her deductible is huge. I don’t see how we can pay it.
Do you know anyone whose (non-gov’t) insurance has not gotten worse and more expensive in the past year?