I would like to bring to the attention of the Lakewood community a special deed enacted by the dedicated and honest manager of Lakewood grocery store.
I was there on Friday afternoon and Achmed approached me with something that he found on the floor in the store. It was a blank check with the value of $750.00!
Achmed, with great integrity, made more special by the difficult financial times we are all experiencing, asked me to find the owner of this check. I did so and the owner was obviously thrilled and very grateful!
Our Torah places great value on honesty and integrity and I join the larger Jewish community in expressing our admiration for Achmed who has been our friend in the grocery store for many years. We wish him and his family all the best!
(TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected])
Which store am I supposed to know who achmed is??
Thanks for sharing.
wow, thats a really nice story!
In case he doesn’t want so much publicity. It’s one of the long standing grocery stores in Lakewood where he’s been store manager for many years.
I’ve certainly been the beneficiary of his honesty and “getting the job done” many, many times.
what language is that?