Dear Lakewood Scoop, Yesterday morning, Monday the seventh of Teves, was also a legal holiday. Because of the holiday, my children’s schools didn’t have school busing. It seemed to me that many other schools didn’t have busing either, because as I was driving my children to their respective schools, there were many car on the road, and there were very few school buses. My children started late, as probably did many other children, because there was too much traffic, and many parents probably started their day dealing with the same aggravation that I dealt with.
One thing that I noticed, was that I saw a number of school buses which belonged to Bais HaTorah. I could not help but get impressed by this cheder, which managed to arrange their own transportation so that their talmidim could run on a normal schedule on days like today. They weren’t cut short because of transportation issues. Kol hakavod to them and to their administrators for taking the initiative and for not being bound by the legal holiday schedules, and by whatever other constraints come with using outside transportation providers. Kol hakavod as well to whichever other schools hire Bais HaTorah’s buses for their transportation.
It would be great if one day, the standard in Lakewood would be that our school’s transportation schedules would be based on our school’s schedule, and not based on the transportation provider’s schedules. In the meantime, it is not the standard, but it is very impressive that Bais HaTorah and a few other schools manage to be in charge of their own transportation schedules.
An Impressed Parent
(TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected])
We can not have it both ways, one parents say the bus drivers should have off, the next parent says no. Until all the parent from all the schools get together and decide on which way they want to go, maybe we need to stop complain about the same bus issue form both sides.
There are a small number of Chadorim that have their own buses because.If money was no object and parents,were willing to pay ,I’m sure most schools would get their buses and drivers. Are parents willing to pay ? We all know what the answer is.
Every school should have their own school buses just as they do in ny. It would alleviate so many issues.
So send your boys to Bais H’hotah!
The only way all or most of the schools will have busing on those days is if many more in the community start to drive buses. Currently, most of the school bus drivers have no interest in driving those days.
Hi, Private schools that have their OWN buses pay their own drivers, also pay for all fuel and all repairs for those vehicles. please remember that all school bus drivers both public and private MUST have a CDL license with a P&S endorsement and a current Medical Certification Does your Bus Driver have ?? Also These private schools with there Buses are collecting the $884 transportation per student. Please keep our precious children safe . Thanks Monday January 1, 2018 Legal Holiday and to my knowledge Buses will be running
Money Money Money. Everyone wants to do everything until someone tells them that they’ll have to pay for it and then…maybe not.
Or…You can just think how fortunate you are having free busing or busing at all for the rest of the year. Many communities have NO busing at all the entire year.
To the author: please stop complaining and be happy with what you have
Folks- The author of this article made a valid point that perhaps the schools can go into the bussing business and therefore control their own destiny and perhaps rent out the buses when not in use etc.. This would perhaps ensure that children will actually get to school on time to actually learn something rather than 930 and later as is the case by many now. Comment after comment here has little to do with that point but about things like whether there should be public buses on legal holidays and similar. I don’t get it
My children had transportation that we pay for privately through Jays even though the school does not have their own bussing.
I’ll explain.
Parents pay schools. If parents don’t want to pay the school for a service the school can’t provide it. Therefore this post, however well intended isn’t relevant.
to #3, it’s mostly only the Chassidish schools in NY that have private busing. All other schools have public transportation with no busing on all legal holidays and the entire Presidents week.
Also, really, is this something to complain about?! So a few days of the year, school will start a little late and parents will have to inconvenience themselves to take their kids to school. Goodness! Its a chutzpah to even think that we should ask our bus drivers to work on these days.
So to answer #10, there should be no busing on legal holidays. Kids will come late to school. Don’t worry so much about your kids missing out on 1/2 hour of their school day. I am sure they will still be able to learn enough and mature into fine adults without that 1/2 hour.
Please appreciate the many many brochos we have here in America, in Lakewood, even though we are in galus and, if you must complain about such trivial issues, please do so to your spouse only.
We do pay 150 for sunday and holiday private bussing (in addition to the $150 of living 1.95 miles away from school) and this used to be provided but this year suddenly it’s not. what happened?
i pay 150 for sunday bussing and they dont give bussing for holidays. I dont think jays has enough drivers working on holidays to be able to provide bussing for all.