Whatsapp now helps people send a billion messages a day in real-time. I managed to live without it for a week. Read on to know what a dramatic change it was and why you should try it too!
II have things to share with my friends. In today’s world where you are non-existent if you don’t share,
When Whatsapp was announced, I happily downloaded it from Appisfree.com and yes I guess its kosher?! thinking how extremely useful it is going to be to have something, using which I can send messages all the time, all over the world for free! (Data is so cheap these days.) I was happy using is for a few months initially but then all sorts of different groups were made in all possible combinations also for all possible interests and then it started to get irritating.
I sometimes wished I took a break from Whatsapp but then some phone call would go like this- “Hey give me this person’s number” I would d respond- “I’ll whatsapp you in a minute!” Whatsapp was the modern way to connect and if I had to get out of it, I had to be ready the awkward moments when people look at you sizing up your decision. and yes my 11 year old boy told me why are you always with the phone…..
I needed an excuse to get out of it even if for sometime. The service was great but I was wary being there and not responding. I was wary of my friends shouting at me because I ‘had last seen’ the message and hadn’t responded to them. I was wary of image-wars being played in every group (Posting pictures with weird funny messages.) You wanna laugh looking at these pictures once in a while but not fifty times a day, right? and for sure it is a luxury we can’t afford most of the times.
The excuse to take a small break from whatsapp came in the form of my data subscription getting over around ten days back So I could not recharge, could not even get a data subscription even if I wanted to and THAT is the way it started for me.
I could have sure called someone to get me a recharge and would have happily done it but I did not feel the need. Not having whatsapp for a week felt like the most obvious thing to do.
There were no expectations from my contacts and make believe friends, to ‘keep the conversation going’; there was no obligation to reply to EVERY message that had come to your inbox at a time else someone will get upset. There was no mixing of message which were really important and the ones which could wait. No urge to go through every funny conversation which was going on in every group; sure there’s ‘mute group’ option but we always manage to keep an eye on it nonetheless (at least that’s the way it is for me)
It was important for me to understand that my means did not over-power me and I had a choice to use them or not use them. It was important to realize that people really understand when you want them to and explain to them. It was important to be thankful for the true relations that I held with my family and children, and not lie in the comfort of having hundred whatsapp acquaintances. Sure the latter looks more enriching and lively but real enjoyment in life is about a small group of special people who I live with together who can’t wait to get my attention and smile and time .
Having been through this small experience, would kindly urge you also to experience the same. Just disappear from Whatsapp or from any other form of digital social communication which is becoming too much! Ditch it for a week. Understand that real smiles in person and over phone call are a hundred times better than smileys passed on at the press of a button. and while you’re at it, share your experiences with other people.
If its overpowering your life. Get out it for a week and realize that you still have control over it. Don’t yield to the urge to get to the old self for that one week. What comes after it might surprise….
I’m sorry I have to go check those ten messages I got on whatsapp! :
My dear friends and mother’s don’t wait till its too late .. Let this be part of our kabolas hatorah .
I have my life back..
I would love to hear feedback on this.
Mrs. T.
Having never used whatsapp I don’t know what I’m missing and better off for it, I suppose. It’s enough for me to get and send texts and e mails once in a while to a very select few. I like my privacy and i want to keep it that way.
EVERY person should delete What’s app if they’re not willing to get rid of their Smart Phone. I think its the worst thing in the world. It’s just that everyone is so busy with it sharing pictures and thoughts all day wasting hours and hours…..
The problem’s are the following:
.1 You write and respond SO quickly you don’t even have a chance to think. You don’t even have to check your spelling! If you would take one second you probably wouldn’t have written it. Go look at your chats afterward and you probably will be quite embarrassed.
.2 The people joining groups together would only happen in these groups. No one would make a conference call for 2 couples to shmooze and idle chatter. On What’s App it’s all acceptable.
.3 Since when do we all need to be so close? Saring EVERY detail of our lives? “Ma tovu ohalecha Yaakov” “Kol kevuda bas nmelech pinimah” Too much sharing does not generate anything good.
The conversations discussed are inappropriate, cause hurt, and upsetness for NO reason. When yom kippur comes everyone who has a What’s App must bang so hard on the Al Cheit for Idle Chatter.
It’s wrong and it’s time to put and end to it.
THIS was the Primary reason I threw my Iphone in the garbage.
Can you tell me what garbage you threw your iPhone in? I wanna sell it on eBay to raise money for my yeshiva!
Everything in moderation is my comment. If you only have txting and you are constantly texting it is just the same as whats up. Its like everything in life! use with moderation and enjoy
Why should everyone give up whatsapp because you have a problem with it? I have whatsapp, my only groups are my siblings and i am not embarrassed of my conversations. If you have a problem, give it up or control it. If you dont, enjoy it.
I got rid of my smartphone when my kids told me that I love my phone more than them. My life has changed for the better. I am a calmer, more relaxed person, and I actually spend quality time with my children.
I do experience withdrawal symptoms here and there, but not as bad as when I stopped smoking. Stopping to smoke and giving away my smartphone were both the most liberating, self-empowering, and yes, exhilarating, experiences I’ve ever felt. I’ve never looked back.
Idk what WhatsApp is. I guess what you don’t know, don’t hurt.
My friends status is
“If u wouldn’t call me to tell me it, don’t sent it to me”
Mrs T makes a great point. But i think its a demographic issue. I have whats app for family & some friends. But I get maybe 10 msgs a week. Mrs T, can u tell us ur age, by decade, I mean. 20s, 30s etc ??? Thanx.
While I’m sure you have some great points to make, it would help if you would have proofread your article. If you’re going to go through the trouble of submitting an article, you might as well make it coherent so that people can learn from it.