I just wanted to publicize the incredible honesty and menchlekeit that we just experienced at Step in Elegance.
We live out of town, and we were in Lakewood on Sunday visiting family and shoe shopping. We went to Step in Elegance where we purchased several beautiful pairs of shoes.
Two days later, we received a message from the owner of the store (who wasn’t there when we were), and he informed us that he thought that we were overcharged by $20 and wants to send us back the extra money. We were absolutely speechless from such a phone call! We didn’t immediately get back to him, so today, two days later, he had his bookkeeper call us again about the refund. I don’t think I have ever experienced such honesty in business. What a Kiddush Hashem!
I just wanted to pass along this amazing and special story.
(TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected])
If you’d meet the owner and his wife, you wouldn’t be surprised. Special deeds by special people indeed.
i’m sure the APP will want to print this story…
Us in Lakewood certainly are working on making a kiddush HaShem after the chillul that took place. We are the greatest people, yet we must work to make sure that only kiddush HaShem is reported. We can start by driving nicely, waiting our turn in lines and not cutting into turning lanes. Parking where it is permitted, not too close to corners or on the grass sidewalks and curbs of public places like Shuls. We should start greeting everyone with a smile and pay attention to those who service us, not looking or talking on the phone instead. Let’s be more modest and low key, don’t poke out others eyeballs, build and drive a little simpler, only good will come from it.
Spot on , chacham. Wasn’t a good feeling being in Walmart this week.
However I think even if we do everything right they will find something to point a finger at.
A while ago I took my children along with me to Walmart. I spoke to them before about kiddush Hashem etc. They were behaving really nicely. We had to stand on a very long checkout line. They were quiet but apparently looking at someone for too long and the lady says “apparently noone taught them not to stare”!
I don’t think you can win and I really try to avoid taking my children to these places!
Let’s not getting carried away by the few critics in this world, we do our best to make a kiddush hashem. The best we could show our neighbors is that we are responsible about our children’s behavior. Keep it up.
u are so right and I am, let’s just say “a real bucher behind the wheel” bikitzer I like ur idea to try to be more normal on the rodes so bn…
#member of the driving like a real yid should drive
Wow thanks for sharing!
I had. A very Similar story with Super Stop a few months ago, where the store left me a message saying that they overcharged me by mistake because an item was on sale and they charged regular price and wanted to reimburse me. And that was for about 1$ and they went out of their way to get it back to me.
There’s no question that Lakewood as a majority is an honest place with good people always trying to do their best, it’s too bad the news will try to exploit a story and make sure to stir issues when it comes to our community. Using a large magnifying glass and wide paint brush to paint the town once way. When everyone of us can easily tell needless stories of help cheesed and honesty that goes on in this town, and more often then not., without anyone knowing and without any fanfare.
don’t poke out others eyeballs
this is definitely doable…
there is a lot of good that goes on this community. Yet the newspapers only sell well when they have a good story. Unfortunately when our community does something bad its all over the place. We must all come together and try to act more proper in public. For example: stop at stop sign(its not a yield sign) stop talking on phone while driving(years ago we didn’t have phones and were able to go places without being attached to our phones) park car in between the two white lines in parking lots. Be polite to others when out in public.(you could say hi to cashier,teller or others. One more thing many camps,schools and organizations give out magnets for people to put on their cars the problem with them is that when people park crazy,drive crazy or are just plain rude as soon as people see these magnets they know right away its someone Jewish.
Thanks for sharing your story. I had a similar story in NPGS On James street. I must have heard the wrong number from the cashier and wrote out a check for approximately $10 more than my bill. They called me a couple of days later to refund me. If any of you APP guys are reading this, please note that as a whole this community is an extremely honest community.
Outstanding people!!
No surprises for me
One more point;
I think part of the problem we have as a community, is we always are called “iyr Hatorah” which is nice, but derech eretz is first. We have to focus on that first, that’s what HaShem is looking for in us.
No one will report on how great we are, so we won’t wait for it, but we will be saved from negativity by the zchusim we create and of course tfilah.
This week in Walmart there were problems with each register when I finally found one open And available I went on line to wait.Then,the personahead of me had problem with her check and then the scanner had issues. I turned in a very friendly way to the 2 older men waiting behind me and said “Don’t know what’s with the registers today…” the older man,must’ve been 80 stares and points to me and said “It’s all YOUR fault.” Spooked out,I just smiled and turned around. We don’t live in the friendliest of places or times!Thank you for publicizing positive stories about yidden!