If you are reading this, then you are vulnerable to this danger. Please take it seriously.
If you have any kind of internet – on your phone, home computer, work computer, etc. – Don’t think your children can’t and don’t go onto it. You may not realize when they happen to notice you putting in your password or passcode. Additionally, a work computer may not have the filters that you would have on your own computer.
Even though I know the dangers of the internet and that you NEVER let your child go onto a computer by themselves, I fell in.
My naive, innocent 15-year-old mesivta son, a boy who I really trust and can rely on to do the right thing… (or so I thought…) was with me at work and asked to go to a specific website on an open computer in a cubicle near me. Figuring he will only stay on that website, I let him.
Unfortunately I was wrong. His curiosity won over him. Lucky for me the IT guy picked up some unusual activity on that computer, but it was too late. The images he saw can never be erased from his mind.
Please be vigilant! It is like leaving a loaded gun within reach of your child.
I cannot undo the damage that I caused… You can prevent it.
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Thank you for sharing this. Too many people have their heads stuck in the sand.
common sense. its obvious. shouldnt need to be posted.
thanks for speaking the truth.
This probably happens very often,but we would never know.
Besides forget our children,a password might help for other people,but what about yourself??????
Thanks and good advice.
Note many work computers are locked and don’t let you download any filters. Its “borrowed” computers that the user has no admin rights. (he can’t download google chrome either)
Any suggestions for those computers?
besides for all the hishtadlus that one has to do to keep the kids away from internet, we must daven daven daven because you can never know and never be careful enough. thanx for posting.
Here is a link for program that will show log and screenshots of all actions done on computer and time spent using any program or website it can also block a website or category. It can help to see what someone did on your computer and for how long. It is designed for employee monitoring but is a great way to know if your kids are using your computer and what they are doing http://activtrak.com/