Dear Readers: I’m not sure that this is the right venue for this, but with TLS’s broad spectrum of readers, I figured I’ll give it a shot ( You never know!)
*Esther (name has been changed ) is a wonderful 15 year-old girl. She grew up in Northern New Jersey.
Her father was Catholic and mother was Jewish. Both parents have long since passed on. She is the oldest of 5 children.
While her brothers and sisters are spread out throughout New Jersey, she currently lives with a Catholic foster family, and bounces to a new family every few months. She desperately wants stability and to live with a Frum family.
She tries her hardest to wear skirts, keep Shabbos and Kashrus to the best of her ability. Her younger siblings were placed when they were babies and barely know that they are a Jewish.
Her dream would be to be reunited with her brothers and sisters, all under one roof.
I’m just wondering maybe there’s a TLS reader out there who can help? Maybe there’s a warm, caring family who would like to adopt?
If there’s anyone out there who thinks they can help with this situation, or know someone that can, please comment below or reach out to the TLS Editor and we shall be in touch with you. ([email protected])
Tizkeh L’mitzvos!
Call oorah they should be able to help.
Tough call bc she isn’t really frum at this point correct?
contact www, they have people who can help with adoption and know where to send this to
Who do we call?
Who ( which askan) can we contact regarding this ?. I know someone who may be interested in possibly taking the girl in or sponsoring.
Has “Esther”ever stayed with frum people before and has she been involved with any kiruv organizations? Thanks.
This is not so simple. At 15, she’s a ward of the state or her foster parents. They have to be willing to let her go. I can certainly take her for a shabbos or long weekend so she can check out the community.
How will this affect my teenage girls and boys. I need to know where her frumkeit level stands, and if she is emotionally stable 100%. Also is she able to get into proper school in Lakewood? Thank you.
If you that have commented and raised concern, do you have any interest in helping or just pointing out negative issues that can arise?
So what’s your point ? Is negativit the 1st thing that comes to your head ??
May hashem help her find stability and a warm loving family.
Looking at the responses so far, its heartwarming to see how people in our kehila are generally concerned for this girl and looking for ways in which to help her out of her situation. It really does say a lot about our community and to what lengths many here are prepared to go to help even someone they may not know. May the RSO find her the right shliach that could give her a bright and better future.
I am actually thinking strongly of doing this Chessed, but naturally concerns have to be addressed first. No negativity intended.
Contact Rabbi Shmuel Tendler from Sons Of Israel. He should be able to help.
Hatzlacha Rabba. Do you have a name for tehilim?
This is a case of hatatzalat nefashot. May the Borei Olam grant you siyata deshmaya and reward you for what you are doing.
To ssil. Do you know the level of frumkiet your precious teenage sons and daughters are on.? You seem to be worried about yenem. Have your kids had a solid upbringing. Are all your kids stable? Maybe look at your own family before questioning others.
To post 13- your comment in response to post 11 is not only so mean spirited but is also totally uncalled for. Post 11 actually posted a very decent comment and mentioned in all sincerity that he’s even considering taking on this chesed. However you in your zeal to put down another didn’t even bother to read his comment properly and knowing nothing about him or his family, that still didn’t stop you from making disparaging remarks about his family. ..all for what many would consider to be a sincere and nice offer. An apology is definitely in order.
Agreed. Don’t ask those questions in PUBLIC!!
mi kiamcha yisroel !
The Lakewood Scoop is probably not the place to figure living arrangements for a minor child. You cant just take a minor child into your home. There are some legal issues to go through first such as the state or other family that has custody of the child. Another disturbing thing here, all the comments about asking about her jewish-ness or how religious she is and what not. This child is an orphan who needs someone to open their home to her. The only question that should be asked here is how can you be of help. That’s all. If we were judged by God as severely as someone people judge other people, we would all be in trouble. God is understanding and patient. We should all be the same.
I one thousand percent agree with Cool Masmid.
I just want to address JTAs last concern, the reason a potential foster parent has to know the religious status is
1 they have a responsibility to raise their own kids on the proper derech and if this girl is going to be a bad influence it’s not a mitzvah to do
2 not everyone can handle this girl and you have to know if it’s the right fit.
Call rabbi tendler if needed I can speak to him for u u can contact tls owner he can contact me