RCCS Goes YELL-OW! – Watch Live Event Tonight on TLS (VIDEO – Win a Cow)

900X500-BANNERIn conjunction with its 2015 Chinese Auction campaign, RCCS directed attention to the painful yelling of cholei Yisroel, and all of Am Yisroel took up their cries. The volume of cancer patients’ desperate calls was raised and many communities across the US and abroad have been yelling in yellow ever since.

Yellow? Why not green?

Ask a carefree child what the color blue reminds them of and you’ll hear varying responses: Crashing waves at the beach or perhaps a clear sky on a summer’s day. Ask that same question to a sick child r”l, and you may hear something more along the lines of the scrubs worn by the nurse who drew their blood that morning. Indeed, colors can mean a world of things.

For some, red provokes thoughts of anger, while to others it draws thoughts of pain brought on by images of blood and medical tests…

And then there’s the yellow that has been giving us all energy boosts over the past month. Sun! Light! Smiley faces! It’s undeniable: yellow’s got that “invisible force” that gets happiness, positivity and good cheer flowing.

Our community has joined forces to spread the happy color in tribute to the heroic cancer patients who cling to life and strive to keep their spirits up throughout their dark and agonizing battle with cancer. After a harrowing day of chemotherapy, a cancer patient may be able to muster only a tiny, pained smile. We’ve joined forces to fill the gap.

For weeks, we’ve all been rallying around cholei Yisroel to fill their pained voids with an outpouring of happiness, unity and brotherly love. All across town, we’ve been yelling in yellow: You are not alone! We’re with you in this battle, and we’ll do all we can to bring the light back into your life.

With only one day left to wave our yellow banners and yell our support, let’s pump up the energy and give it all we’ve got. Our brothers and sisters are crying out to us from the darkness, but they need not fear. We’re on their team, and we’ll flood their struggles with yellow light until the blackness of cancer is eradicated.

The YELL-OW! campaign will culminate with an unbelievable Live Drawing Event on Thursday, December 3rd. Co-hosted by Charlie Harary and Rabbi Y.Y. Rubenstein, and featuring live entertainment by Benny Friedman, Rabbi Yechiel Spero and many more – this event is guaranteed to have you yelling WOW!

Time is running out – be sure to place your order and join RCCS Thursday night by calling 877-332-2808 or visit www.rccscancer.org. With your help, we can fund miracles.

RCCS is a registered 501c3.
Tune in to watch our live event TONIGHT! Don’t miss it!!


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