RCCS ‘First Pie Out Of The Oven’ Pizza Reaches $60

rccs pizzaWith still two days left to RCCS’s ‘first pie out of the oven’ auction, the price for the ‘pizza for charity’ pie  has already reached $60. The pie, sponsored by J2, is being auctioned off on ebay in order to raise funds for the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society, a non-profit organization which subsidizes health insurance premiums for cancer-stricken patients.

The auction ends on Tuesday evening.

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  1. I would pay for the 1st opportunity to eat the mitzva of matza – not for the for the 1st pizza. What are we doing to ourselves ?
    Let’s stick to Chinese auctions & raffles, this is a disgrace to a mitzva

    PAthetic !!!

  2. to #4 and #7 the chilil hashem is that we dont voluntarly give tzeduka as we should, i see how all those organizations strugel to keep their doors open & try whatever way to raise funds, had we done our part instead of critisizing then they wouldnt get to this.

  3. could be you are right, I b’h give what i can, however I think the few dollars this auction will raise isnt worth the chillul hashem of the concept.

  4. I am extremely surprised at RCCS that they can do this for fundraising!! It is digraceful!!!!

    And may do this wonderful organization more harm than good!!!

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