RCCS ‘Chain of Events’ to Blast Off on July 4th

By: L. Halevi. Our lives are constructed of courses of events that have ripple effects, positive or negative, on everything and everyone around us. We are all connected, all part of one nation, one soul, one world, one unit.

Cancer is not a word people like to say or a topic people like to discuss, but unfortunately, the reality is that cancer affects more people than we care to believe.

People of all ages, our relatives, friends, neighbors and co-workers, are affected by this dreaded machla. The crushing news of a cancer diagnosis is harsh enough; compounded with a lack of financial wherewithal to deal with it makes it that much worse. The lack of finances to deal with and pay for cancer treatments has the potential to destroy lives, wreck families and multiply the pain thousand fold.

The outcomes of a cancer diagnosis can- and do- have ripple effects on the patients, their families, their communities, on Klal Yisroel as a whole and indeed very often change the course of history one way or another.

Thankfully, there is RCCS. And thankfully, RCCS is there for Lakewood patients as they are for Cholim around the world.

Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society (RCCS) has been assisting Klal Yisroel’s Cholim for well over a decade now, and has assisted thousands of families in ensuring that their health insurance premiums are paid in full.

Many insurance plans, especially the government issued types, such as ‘Jersey Care’, are simply not sufficient to pay for the right doctors that they patients really need, and RCCS is the sole organization that pays for insurance policies, at an average of $18,000 per year per policy, to ensure that each patient gets adequate insurance coverage to boost their chances of survival. Experience has shown that those chances are increased by over 75% when the proper insurance policies are in place!

Over the past year or so, RCCS, as messengers of the Lakewood community, has spent over $500,000 on over 50 Lakewood Cholim! That’s a nearly 10% of the RCCS national annual budget of $6 Million, spent in our community. This is in addition to the over 1.8 Million in insurance payments advocated by RCCS for Lakewood patients!

RCCS Lakewood division is in the process of organizing a “Chain of events”, six unique “mini dinners” in six regions of Lakewood, which in totality encompass the entire city, to bring the message of RCCS to the residents and the message of hope to the Cholim within every region. The money raised via these campaigns will directly sponsor policies for local Cholim. The attendance of every Lakewood resident at their region’s event will make a real difference; a difference of life and death proportions. Literally.

This series of a “Chain of Events” will, B’Ezras Hashem, have a positive effect and enable the course of events for Lakewood’s Cholim, as well as all of Klal Yisroel’s Cholim, to take a turn for the better and finaly change the course of events for us as a whole and facilitate the arrival of Mashiach and the healing of all Cholim, B’Meheira B’Yameinu Amen.

The first regional event, in the Rt. 9 South region of Lakewood, will take place on Thursday, July 4th in the beautiful, newly constructed hall “978 River” located at 978 River Avenue. The event will feature as guest speaker, Rav Yaakov Lazewnik, Rov of Presidential estates, as well as personal testimonies of local patients. The event will include a delectable “surf & Turf” buffet by Evergreen caterers, which is sure to please.

The second regional event, in the East Lakewood region, will take place on Wednesday, July 17th, in a massive tent in Brook Rd. Park.

Be on the lookout for posters, ads, billboards and other information within the regions, for more details about the programs of each event.

For more information about RCCS or about any of the regional events, please contact Rabbi Ahron Steir at the RCCS Lakewood office at (732) 617-0222 or via email at [email protected]

RCCS: Funding Miracles.

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  1. I know someone personally who was help and his insurance premiums were paid for many many years in a row! RCCS is an unbelievable amazing organization its a tzeduka very worth giving to!
    thank you are RCCS keep up your good work!!

  2. yup! this org takes the money and gets the best value – by investing in insurance to help these patients! great tzedaka, and great investment…. thank you RCCS Lakewood!

  3. i will iyh be there for July 4th i encourage all to come its a most (maybe from the most) worthy cause!! they empower the other cancer orgs to do their work. the most important thing for a cancer or any choleh for that matter is the ability to receive the best medical care and from what i understand from the info rccs has online, they are the only ones doing this.
    kol hakavod!!

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