Razor Thin Victory In Hand, Mitt Romney Heads To New Hampshire Primary

Narrow Iowa victory in hand, Mitt Romney was looking toward the next-up New Hampshire primary — essentially on his home turf — and sharper criticism from his Republican rivals, including chief challenger Rick Santorum.

The former Massachusetts governor was declared the winner of the leadoff presidential caucuses early today by just eight votes, ringing down the curtain on an improbable first act in the campaign to pick a challenger to President Barack Obama in the fall.

Appearing hours after the caucuses had ended, Iowa GOP chairman Matt Strawn said Romney had 30,015 votes, to 30,007 for Santorum, whose late surge carried him to a near win. AP.

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  1. Mitt Romney won by EIGHT VOTES out of 122,000 votes cast.

    So the next time someone from Yeshiva tells you that your vote doesn’t count, so there’s no point in being mevatel Torah and going to vote, you tell him……………

    ………………that R’ Moshe Feinstein held that it is a chiyuv on every yochid to vote.

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