Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky Attends Jersey Shore Kollel Siyum Event In Deal, NJ

PHOTOS: Hagaon Rav Shmuel Kamenztky Shlita, the Rosh Hayeshivah of the Phialdelphia Yeshivah, visited Deal, NJ last night for a Siyum celebrated at the Jersey Shore Kollel. The Kollel, under the leadership of R’ Shaul Pinter of Lakewood, hosted a Seudah in honor of the completion of Mesectas Gittin.

During the Siyum, the Rosh Hayeshivah  – who rarely visits the area – warmly greeted the approximately 100 participants and gave them each Brachos, after which they kissed the Rosh Hayeshivah on his hand.

Once child, so touched by the Rosh Hayeshivah, took out a bag of money he had in his pocket, and gave it to the Rosh Hayeshivah as a donation for his Yeshivah. The Rosh Hayeshivah smiled, thanked the boy, and gave him a special Bracha.

Photo credits: Lakewood Shopper.

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