The Igros Moshe (OC 3:80) paskens that a single person may not buy a car in the 3 weeks for pleasure because he must make the Bracha of She’hecheyahu which we don’t make in the 3 weeks. However if you are a married, since the joy is shared by your wife as well and the proper bracha would be HaTov V’Hameitiv (The Bracha of She’hecheyahu is made when only you benefit. HaTov V’Hameitiv is when other benefit with you.) it is permissible to buy a car before Rosh Chodesh Av. Once Av begins it is forbidden because it is considered Binyan Shel Simcha which is assur in the nine days.
If the vehicle is for business purposes, says Rav Moshe, you can even buy it in the nine days since we pasken that you needn’t limit ordinary business activities in the nine days. Even if purchasing the vehicle requires you to say She’hecheyanu you may purchase it right away and wait until after Tisha B’Av to make the bracha. Revach
yeah a mini van……..
Is leasing the same thing?
it’s not if you’re married you can buy it, it’s only if you share the car. if husband and wife primarily drive seperate cars, then it’s till a shehechiyanu
What if the car isn’t new, just new for you? I’d find it thrilling to have even a new used car.
This is the same p’sak for a new home – you don’t make a Shehechianu, but a Hatove V’hamativ.