A Rally on behalf of School Choice in New Jersey will be taking place this Thursday at the State House in Trenton from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., TLS has learned. There will be buses leaving for the Rally from Lakewood free of charge. “The success of this effort can bring millions of dollars in Corporate Tax Scholarships for Elementary and High School students from Lakewood, Passaic and Elizabeth over the five years of the pilot program called the Opportunity Scholarship Act”, Josh Pruzansky, Executive Director of Agudath Israel of New Jersey told TLS.
Agudath Israel of New Jersey and the Igud HaMosdos of Lakewood are working together to bring as many people as possible to this rally.
Does the Igud have the right to pasken on bitul torah?
Why do some people always look at everything in a cynical way .Whover said that the Igud paskened on Bitul Torah . This is not for the benefit of the Igud or the schools . It is for the benefitb \of Parents . Everybody has the right to decide whther or not they have the time to go . The Igud is just bringing this to the attention of the parents and every parent needs to make their own decision . I assume there are a substantial amount of parents in Lakewood who are not in the Bais Medrash every morning and some of them might find it important enough to go
With your logic that by announcing something ,it is like paskening on Bitul Torah , then no Mosad should ever be allowed to announce an event and nobody should put up any signs in yeshivah regarding HUD or other programs . After all these announcements will be gorem Bitul Torah .
Please try to think rationally instead of hocking against anybody that tries to help you
Great job Agudath Israel!
We are all sure that you have never ever left Seder early to go to the Hud office or to apply for WIC or any other dovor gashmi that brings you Parnoso . So obviously this Rally is not for you .
During the times of 9:00 to 1:00 I plan to be learning. I will leave it to the RBS”A guide our State leaders in the direction He so wills. I wish the Igud would try to get this event to take place during bein hasedarim when my oilam will be free on Thursday. I hope they will not try to be mashpia the learning Bnei Torah to forsake the gemoros to go to some rally (even if the schools stand to reap some big bucks!) As far as posting signs about HUD or the like – All those inyanim can be settled during bein hasedarim or with a minimal bite out of Seder time..
It would be a gross injustice to hang a sign persuading any mass exodus of lomdei torah from the Batei Medrashim during seder time!
I do however commend the lobbying efforts of the Agudah in this important endeavor and daven for their/our Hatzlocha!!
Number one! Do you pay full tuition? Do you pay ontime? At least help the mosdos. Get potentialy get some funds on behalf of you to pay the hardworking teachers instead of having to schnorr and rack up choivis on your behalf. And maybe you can make up your lost time from your learning on thursday by staying of the internet that day and learning instead.
Its not the schools that stand to make big bucks. Its the yeshiva guy like me and you that stands to gain as we can potentialy get a huge relief by having this program pay our tuition bills. All the schools have to gain is that some of the many tuitions that are inexcusably not being paid by people will get paid. But the real gain here is for the parents of private school children not the schools. They get tuition anyway its just a question of the parents paying it or the state. The indirect gain that they might not have to be a collection agency all year is not enough gain on their part for you to say that the schools are trying to make money here . Believe it or not they sometimes have the greater public in mind.
Dear editor. I always like to post a negative comment on anything that the igud does and especialy the agudah and when its both together that’s the best! The problem is I don’t always have time to read about everything they do and I also don’t always understand it. Can you just make sure to post a negative comment for me on any future things they do? It doesn’t matter what it is just make up something good and negative and post it in my name. And don’t forget if they change their mind and decide not to do it, make sure to bash that as well for me. This way I can not have to waste my time reading understanding and then posting comments. Thank you,
Who ever said those that are learning (in yeshiva) should stop??!! It was just stated that there will iy”h be a rally and free bussing would be provided to help anyone who would like to go.
Agudah has worked with tremendous efforts on YOUR behalf to bring mllions of dollar worth of vouchers and scholarships to fund private school tituion across America. They have succeeded in Florida, helping with a 6,000 person rally and succeeded in passing new legislation just a few weeks ago!
What are you doing on behalf of the klal? I was at Agudah’s dinner last night in NYC and barely saw anyone from Lakewood. Were you there??!! Do you even care what Agudah does? Do you support them?? Or are you just hocking around… ‘bittul torah’….
In regard to Thursday’s rally it is exremely important that we show up in the largest numbers possible, and for that purpose the Mosdos have been asked to send the schools amass to join the effort. This is for YOUR own benefit to help lower the cost of private education in NJ.
The Rosh Hasheva Harav Malkiel -who WAS at the dinner last night- (no bittul torah?) has been asked and he stands strong behind Agudah’s effort and urges EVERYONE who can attend to please do so. Those that can’t should at the very least help fund their efforts as nuch as possible.
Thank You Agudah!! We are all Agudah Achas! Never forget!
What a chutzpah . The schools are just trying to help the average parent get some funding for the tuition that they have to pay anyway and all people can do is to hock and make it sound like they are out to enrich themselves .
wow A guy who blogs on the internet during second seder is so concerned about Bitul Torah . Mamash Achsher Doro
#10: Did you ever stop to think that the $500/couple cover had something to do with the lack of Lakewooders in attendance (or the Manhattan location)?!
Josh Pruzansky for Gov!!!! (after Gov. Christies two terms are complete)
The Agudah will continue its shatdlonus on behalf of the Oilam HaTorah wherever and whenever. Never forget the Gedolai Oilam who started the movement al Tahras Hakodesh
Hey curious isn’t 3.57 in middle of second seder? Or did you just bring along your ishur to seder today?
Reb Malkiel signed a letter to go! Every single kid should be there!
Bring your chavrusah along and learn on the bus, and there. The makom is not the problem, the bittul torah is. Take Torah, will travel. Do it, and be meshtateif, as it’s ee efshar at another time.