JUST IN [LETTER] [HEBREW] [UPDATED 3:15PM] Three leading Rabbonim in Lakewood have signed a letter urging residents to attend a rally in Trenton tomorrow opposing the same-gender marriage bill, set to be voted on tomorrow by the Assembly. The letter reads as follows: “As the legislators want to legislate laws of abomination (G-D should have pity) and we heard from the experts in this area that the most effective method of disrupting their plans in to personally attend at the time and place of voting and to protest against them, and the Gaon and Tzadik Rabbi Avigdor Miller (of blessed memory) has stated that to remove the anger against the nation of Israel we must do what is in our hands to protest and to work against laws of abomination in the best way possible.”
“Therefore we are publicizing our opinion that it is a great cause to engage and to go on this coming Thursday to the Capitol of New Jersey, Trenton and to sanctify the name of heaven.”
From the arrangers: Protest is starting at 12 Noon at 125 West Street, Trenton in front of the Capitol annex. Buses will be leaving from Private Way & 7th at 11:10 am. They will be stopping at Forest & 11th and Forest & 14th. They should be back in Lakewood at 2 PM. Please call to reserve a place @ 732 804 1089. Transportation will be provided free of charge. Sponsorship is available. TLS.
UPDATE 3:15 PM. Harav Shmuel Kamentzky has joined in endorsing the letter. The letter now bears the signatures of R’ Kamenetzky, R’ Cohen, R’ Gissinger and R’ Katz.
who signed??
Who are the 3 rabonim
Click on the link to the Hebrew letter to see the signatories.
eventually this will pass and same gender marriage will be legal,
It is a dirty disgusting law
R’ Sb cohen is one of the signers
Click the link. it says R’ Shmuel Meir Katz, R’ Simcha Bunim Cohen and R’ Gissinger
Oilam let’s go!!!!! Should we take off for learning for this if yes I hope they have tons of busses & the whole bus stations should come down to bmg…
This law is linsane & we should all down to protest! I’m all lin!
lets deal witk our own issues back home . like “sinus cheenum “for one
how about an online petition
Just remember its a civil rights issue just like the civil rights act of 1965. Do you think African Americans would have civil rights if it was put to a vote in the south?
What happened to the separation of church & state? if you don’t condone it fine but if you are outright against it you have to realize its going to happen..I am not in that situation but I have friends that are and they have every right to be joined together by law. Its the sign of the times..lets move on shall we..there are other more important things to do than worry about 2 people of the same gender that want to be married..in the state of nj
No one is telling anyone how to conduct their personal lives. It’s just that considering it a marriage is wrong. It’s not a marriage. A marriage is between a man and a woman. As for having civil rights. They already have that. This is about seeking attention and trying to convince the masses that this is normal and equals marriage. By calling it a marriage it doesn’t actually become one.
I guess it doesn’t matter how I feel because my comments don’t get posted. Thanks for the freedom of speech.
And we have EVERY RIGHT to protest it! Free country for us too. Thank you very much for democracy.
someone explain to me why people say its civil rights act?
its something people choose to do in the privacy of their home why do they have put it in our faces?
Rav Avigdor Miller ZTL understood how serious this matter is.
I knew Reb Avigdor Miller personally, And one year on Erev Rosh Hashana he took out the time to write letters yo politicans protesting haschsah.
Let’s all go there!!!
Dear Confused,
Yes, confused.
Sinus Cheenam can be relieved with Tylenol. Although I would take Aleve.
Tear the moral fabric of a society, the rest comes toppling down. That’s what happened to Egypt, Rome and Greece, to name a few.
christie said 2 weeks ago that he’s going to veto the bill so why do we need to demonstrate?
my stomach turns updown in digust of the thought of this bill
with tylenol? if u remember sinus chinum is what brought down the bais hamikdash and why we are in Galus today!!!!
THERE ALREADY IS a law for a CIVIL UNION! All we are voting on is shall we redefine Webster’s definition of marriage, or not. No one’s rights will be violated, unless the law is PASSED!!
While everyone is attending this rally, or working, who is going to daven? Isn’t the power of prayer stronger than any physical action one can make?
#25 because Tylenol cold will open the Sinuses. This is something that we all agree about so if we all protest together Lakewood, Passaic , Elizabeth ,Teaneck , Morristown Highland Park, Cherry Hill, Deal , Union City & numerous others KA”H it will bring achdus