Rabbonim issue Kol Koreh ahead of Purim

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Isn’t something here very contradictory?
On one hand they’re saying don’t have large simcha gatherings, only have your immediate family.
Yet they also emphasize that everyone should come together to learn together in shul to have a seder of learning.
The point is to only be with people you usually gather with. Since most of us have been going to minyan -its not a problem to learn with the people we daven with.
Correction: Learning and Davening in shul is a problem if you are not masked and distanced. The overwhelming majority of medical opinion says so.
We do not exist in bubbles. We constantly interact with many people outside our immediate circles. So just because you safely davened next to Chayim Yankel yesterday doesn’t mean he’s safe today.
Thankfully, most people can tel the difference between wild raucous open parties and learning with your Chavrusa in Shul
Anyone remember the results when they shut down the siyum-kumzitz for bochrim???
Anyone remember the results when we had Mesibas last Purim???
great answer
we have all been by weddings, each others shuls, yeshiva boys playing basket ball with each other, splashing in water parks, cramping neighbors house for sholom zocher, waiting on long lines in grocery stores, sitting on long plane rides to Orlando, not sure why all of a sudden on purim we should stop doing what weve always done , and anyway didn’t %95 percent off us already have covid?
Yes, you all did that stuff and you were foolish doing it. Yes many of you had COVID; some did not. Is their health unimportant? If 5% of the population is at risk do we dismiss that?
And when people look at you acting as if there is no pandemic going on, when many many non-Jews are being compliant and being exceedingly careful (I work with many such people), you are perpetrating a massive chillul HaShem.
So why isn’t there any kol koreh for any of the other stuff? Why only by the mitzvos??
If a huge stadium can be filled with people for the super bowl we can have megilla reading in shul.
all we need is a serious vaccine drive this sunday in all of the shuls around lakewood and then we will not have these concerns any more