Rabbi Pinchas Stolper Z”L; Shiva Information

By Ron Benvenisti. Rabbi Stolper was the founder and national director of NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth), one of the first kiruv organizations in America.

Throughout his more than forty years of working with Jewish youth, Rabbi Stolper transformed the lives of thousands of people, bringing them to Yiddishkeit and Torah observance. One of the world’s largest and respected youth movements today, NCSY programs can be found in the United States, Canada, and Israel.

Rabbi Stolper subsequently served as the executive vice president of the Orthodox Union for close to twenty years.

A close talmid of Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner zt”l, Rabbi Stolper moved to Lakewood and davened at Ateres Yeshaya.  He lived on Twin Oaks Drive.

Rabbi Stolper was a musmach of the Mesivta Rabbi Chaim Berlin and the Gur Aryeh Kollel.

Rabbi Stolper made it his life mission to disseminate the teachings of his Rebbi, Rav Yitzchak Hutner zt”l, by writing sefarim that translated and elucidated Rav Hutner’s magnum opus, Pachad Yitzchak.

He was a pioneer in the Kiruv movement since the 1960’s and wrote several books of his own and the writings and memories of Rav Hutner ZTL:

  • Pesach (NCSY, first published 1962)
  • Tested Teen Age Activities NCSY, first published 1964)
  • Revelation what Happened on Sinai? (NCSY, first published 1966)
  • Jewish Alternatives in Love, Dating and Marriage (NCSY, first published 1967). Renamed: The Sacred Trust: Love, Dating and Marriage: The Jewish View
  • How do I Know it is Kosher (NCSY, first published 1968)
  • Real Messiah: A Jewish Response to Missionaries (NCSY, first published 1976)
    Purim in a New Light: Mystery, Grandeur and Depth: Revealed through the writings of Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner (Israel Book Shop, first published 2003)
  • Living Beyond Time: The Mystery and Meaning of the Jewish Festivals (Shaar Press/ArtScroll, first published 2003)
  • Chanukah in a New light: Grandeur, Heroism and Dept: As revealed through the writings of Rabbi Yitzchak Hutner’ (Israel Book Shop, first published 2005)

Rabbi Stolper was also credited for discovering the talent of Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan. He subsequently hired him to write books for NCSY thus catapulting Rabbi Kaplan’s illustrious career in Kiruv literature.

He is survived by his wife, Rebbetzin Elaine Stolper, and his two children, Rabbi Akiva Stolper of Flatbush and Rebbetzin Michal Cohen (wife of Rabbi Zev Cohen) of Chicago and his brother Daniel Stolper of Eretz Yisroel. He was predeceased by his daughter, Malkie Kaweblum.

The levaya was held on Thursday, May 26, at 9:00 am, at Shomrei Hadas, 3803 14th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. The Kevura will be in Eretz Yisrael on Har Hamenuchos on Friday.

Mrs. Elaine Stolper, the wife of Rabbi Stolper zt”l, has already begun sitting shiva. She will sit until Wednesday morning. She is sitting shiva through Sunday at her apartment at Park Plaza in Chicago, 6840 N. Sacramento Avenue, apartment 103. On Monday, she will move to sitting shiva with her daughter Michal at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Zev and Michal Cohen, 2949 W. Coyle Ave., Chicago.

Mrs. Michal Cohen, daughter of Rabbi Stolper zt”l, will begin sitting shiva in Israel following the kevura at Har Hamenuchos on Friday. She will continue on Sunday in Brooklyn at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Rabbi and Mrs. Akiva and Channa Lee Stolper, 924 E. 24th Street, Brooklyn, NY. She will return to Chicago on Sunday night and sit shiva through Thursday morning in Chicago at her home, 2949 W. Coyle Ave., Chicago.

Rabbi Akiva Stolper, son of Rabbi Stolper zt”l, will begin sitting shiva in Israel following the kevura at Har Hamenuchos on Friday. He will continue on Sunday and Monday in Brooklyn at his home, 924 E. 24th Street, Brooklyn, NY. He will fly to Chicago on Monday night and sit shiva through Thursday morning in Chicago at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Rabbi and Mrs. Zev and Michal Cohen, 2949 W. Coyle Ave., Chicago.

Yehi zichro baruch. May Rabbi Pinchas Stolper’s memory be a blessing.

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