[COMMUNICATED] Oxygen is essential for life. Most of us take it for granted. We’ve had all the oxygen we’ve needed all our lives. But not everyone is so fortunate.
Those stricken with Covid-19, in many cases, suffer from a multitude of symptoms. But, doctors say, there is one elixir that is more potent than any other: oxygen.
So how does a Covid-19 patient get the oxygen that he or she needs?
The answer is an oxygen concentrator. A concentrator provides oxygen to a patient in their homes, obviating the need to enter already overcrowded and overburdened hospitals. The needed treatment can be brought to the patient’s house. It is very literally a lifesaver.
But there’s a problem. In Eretz Yisroel, these devices are nearly impossible to obtain, and even those that can be purchased cost an exorbitant amount of money.
The Darkei Miriam organization, recognizing this need, has stepped in to raise the funds necessary to deliver concentrators to Covid-19 patients whose recovery depends on them. The benefit is twofold: Patients receive the oxygen that they desperately need, and they can receive this treatment in the safety and comfort of their own homes.
These patients are counting on us. Right now, 1,000 concentrators are needed. Also needed are 10,000 oximeters, an electronic device that measures the oxygen carried in a person’s blood.
We must do what we can to step up and help the Jews in Israel whose lives very literally hang in the balance.
This project of Darkei Miriam is being facilitated by Bikur Cholim of Lakewood, ensuring that once the funds are raised, the oxygen concentrators can be purchased swiftly and delivered to those who need them most.
Take part in this wonderful chesed opportunity and have a zechus in the wellbeing of hundreds of fellow Yidden.
To join in this effort, visit HERE
or email [email protected].
Kol HaKavod to Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim. True Tzadikim!!
PLEASE if you are sick with Covid, or have a relative who is, please DON’T sit in bed and get sicker and sicker ch’v:
1. Check oxygen levels frequently with a pulse-ox – even if there is no obvious difficulty breathing. Deal with low oxygen right away!
2. Please take vitamin D – but NOT in mega, toxic doses. Vitamin C and Quercetin are known to be helpful, too.
3. There are many treatments that work for most people when done correctly at the correct stage of illness: Ivermectin, Zelanko protocol, ginger, enzymes from EY, drops from EY, etc. etc. The Somech hotline has a lot of highly researched and verified information.
4. Drink lots of warm drinks; lemon and garlic are very helpful if tolerated.
5. If hospitalization is needed, research to make sure that the patient is taken to the hospital with the best track record of healing Covid patients.
6. The most important of all – Davening!!
(of course all treatments/interventions should be undertaken only under medical guidance/approval)
Refua Shlaima to all.
and of course zinc tablets daily
West gate pharmacy has 50mg zinc tablets.
Another option available in different stores is Nutri Supreme buffered C with zinc. Take 3 capsules daily in order to get 30 mg zinc.
Refuah Sheleima