Rabbi Dovid Sapirman, Founder and director of the Ani Maamin Foundation, will be giving a speech tonight Jan 11, for the entire community entitled; “Kindling the Flame of Emunah” – Injecting Emunah into our Lives as Bnei Torah. The event will take place in the K’hal Zichron Yaakov Simcha Room – 175 Sunset Rd. at 8:30 PM. (An Ezras Nashim will be available)
Additionally, an informal information night will be held for Mechanchim with Rabbi Sapirman on Thursday, January 12. The topic of discussion will be the urgent need to impart Yesodos Ha’Emunah to our children and talmidim. This will take place in Anshei Sfard, corner Madison Avenue and 13th Street at 9:00 PM (Men only)
Rabbi Dovid Sapirman is a former talmid of the Philadelphia, Ponivez, and Lakewood Yeshivos. He has taught and lectured both in the yeshiva and kiruv world for over four decades. Feeling the severe deficiency in emunah which prevails among our youth, Rabbi Sapirman founded the Ani Maamin Foundation dedicated to spreading chizuk in emunah to Bnei Torah everywhere: youth, parents, and mechanchim alike. TLS.